This package is responsible for provided AWS-specific infra software. Currently all that's in here is (yet another) Local Dynamo provider, but this one runs without Docker, is typed, and uses the latest AWS SDK V3 DynamoDB client.
This source code is experimental and therefore unpublished on NPM; install directly from Github.
- Java - Definitely > v11 (v11 did not work w/ latest Local Dynamo, but v17 did)
To use Local Dynamo:
import { LocalDynamoDB } from 'ts-app-aws-infra';
import { CreateTableCommandInput, GetItemCommand, PutItemCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb';
const createTable = (TableName: string): CreateTableCommandInput => {
return {
KeySchema: [{ AttributeName: 'id', KeyType: 'HASH' }],
AttributeDefinitions: [{ AttributeName: 'id', AttributeType: 'S' }],
ProvisionedThroughput: {
ReadCapacityUnits: 5,
WriteCapacityUnits: 5
StreamSpecification: {
StreamEnabled: true,
StreamViewType: 'NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES'
const localDynamoDBInfra = await LocalDynamoDB.setup(4567, [createTable('table-name')]);
const localDynamoDBClient = localDynamoDBInfra.getLocalDynamoDBClient();
const putItemCommand = new PutItemCommand({
TableName: 'table-name', Item: { id: { S: 'id' }, key: { S: 'value' } }
console.debug('put item', putItemCommand);
await localDynamoDBClient.send(putItemCommand);
await localDynamoDBInfra.teardown();
make tests