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Execute shell command forwarding all stdio streams.


exec-sh is a wrapper for child_process.spawn with some improvements:

  • Cross platform command execution:
    • Windows: cmd /C COMMAND
    • others: sh -c COMMAND
  • Forwards all stdio streams to current terminal (by default):
    • execSh("bash")
    • execsh("echo -n Say: && read i && echo Said:$i")
  • stdout and stderr are passed to callback when available
    • execSh("pwd", console.log)


// JavaScript

execSh("echo hello exec-sh && bash", { cwd: "/home" }, function(err){
  if (err) {
    console.log("Exit code: ", err.code);
# Terminal output: interactive bash session

hello exec-sh
bash-3.2$ pwd
bash-3.2$ exit 99
Exit code:  99


const execSh = require("../");

// run interactive bash shell
execSh("echo lorem && bash", { cwd: "/home" }, (err) => {
  if (err) {
    console.log("Exit code: ", err.code);

  // collect streams output
  const child = execSh(["bash -c id", "echo lorem >&2"], true,
    (err, stdout, stderr) => {
      console.log("error: ", err);
      console.log("stdout: ", stdout);
      console.log("stderr: ", stderr);

Promise Interface

const execShPromise = require("exec-sh").promise;

// run interactive bash shell
const run = async () => {
  let out;

  try {
    out = await execShPromise('pwd', true);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log('Error: ', e);
    console.log('Stderr: ', e.stderr);
    console.log('Stdout: ', e.stdout);

    return e;

  console.log('out: ', out.stdout, out.stderr);


Public API

execSh(command, [options], [callback])

Execute shell command forwarding all stdio.


  • command {String|Array} - The command to run, or array of commands
  • [options] {Object|TRUE} - Options object passed directly to child_process.spawn, when TRUE then { stdio: null } used
  • [callback] {Function} - callback(err, stdout, stderr)
  • err {Error|NULL} - Error object. Has code property containing last command exit code when available
  • stdout {String|NULL} - aggregated stdout or NULL if not available
  • stderr {String|NULL} - aggregated stderr or NULL if not available

Return Values:

Returns ChildProcess object.


  • npm test - run tests
  • npm run jsdoc - build jsdoc
  • npm run dev - run tests continuously


The MIT License (MIT)