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Merge pull request #27 from tsipkens/developer
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This merges numerous updates to the README, adjustments removing some less-often used code, support for YML configuration files, and refactoring (e.g., updating function headers to be closer to the standard Matlab format).
  • Loading branch information
tsipkens authored Mar 26, 2021
2 parents 7f4199f + 96eb9cb commit 9edb06a
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Showing 32 changed files with 1,079 additions and 1,328 deletions.
68 changes: 44 additions & 24 deletions +invert/tikhonov.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,29 +1,49 @@

% TIKHONOV Performs inversion using various order Tikhonov regularization in 2D.
% Author: Timothy Sipkens, 2018-11-21
% Inputs:
% A Model matrix
% b Data
% lambda Regularization parameter
% order_L Order of regularization -OR-
% pre-computed Tikhonov matrix structure
% (OPTIONAL, default is set by tikhonov_lpr)
% n The length of first dimension of solution -OR-
% a grid, so as to support partial grids
% (ONLY REQUIRED when order is specified)
% xi Initial guess for solver
% (OPTIONAL, default is zeros)
% solver Solver (OPTIONAL, default is interior-point)
% Outputs:
% x Regularized estimate
% D Inverse operator (x = D*[b;0])
% Lpr0 Tikhonov matrix structure
% Gpo_inv Inverse of posterior covariance
% TIKHONOV Performs inversion using various order Tikhonov regularization.
% Regularization takes place in 2D. The type of regularization or prior
% information added depends on the order of Tikhonov applied.
% X = invert.tikhonov(A,B,LAMBDA) inverts the system A*X = B using
% Tikhonov regularization, where A is a model matrix or kernel and B is a
% data vector, and appling a regularization parameter LAMBDA. By default,
% the order of Tikhonov and thus the constructed Tikhonov matrix are given
% as the default of the invert.tikhonov_lpr(...) function.
% X = invert.tikhonov(A,B,LAMBDA,L) uses the pre-computed Tikhonov matrix
% L during the inversion. This matrix can be computed using the
% invert.tikhonov_lpr(...) function.
% X = invert.tikhonov(A,B,LAMBDA,ORDER,N) applies Tikhonov regularization
% of the order specified by ORDER, where ORDER is an integer in the range
% [0,2]. This requires the quantity N, an integer representing the length
% of the first dimension of the solution, to build the Tikhonov matrix.
% This is relevant for full (not partial) grids.
% X = invert.tikhonov(A,B,LAMBDA,ORDER,GRID) applies Tikhonov regularization
% of the order specified by ORDER, as above. In the case of a partial
% grid, an instance of the Grid class is required to build the Tikhonov
% matrix in the place of an integer dimension.
% X = invert.tikhonov(...,XI) applies Tikhonov regularization using an
% initial guess of XI. The default if not included is zeros.
% X = invert.tikhonov(...,XI,SOLVER) applies Tikhonov regularization
% using the solver specified by the string in SOLVER.
% [X,D] = invert.tikhonov(...) applies Tikhonov regularization, outputting
% explicit inverse operator implied by this procedure, specifically such
% that X = D*([B;0]).
% [X,D,LPR0] = invert.tikhonov(...) applies Tikhonov regularization, also
% outputting the unscaled Tikhonov matrix.
% [X,D,LPR0,GPO_INV] = invert.tikhonov(...) applies Tikhonov
% regularization, also outputting the inverse posterior covariance.
% AUTHOR: Timothy Sipkens, 2018-11-21

function [x,D,Lpr0,Gpo_inv] = tikhonov(A,b,lambda,order_L,n_grid,xi,solver)
function [x, D, Lpr0, Gpo_inv] = ...
tikhonov(A, b, lambda, order_L, n_grid, xi, solver)

x_length = size(A,2);

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42 changes: 22 additions & 20 deletions +invert/twomey.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,27 @@

% TWOMEY Performs inversion using the iterative Twomey approach.
% Author: Timothy Sipkens, 2018-11-21
% Inputs:
% A Model matrix
% b Data
% Lb Cholesky factorization of inverse covariance matrix
% xi Initial guess
% iter Max. number of iterations
% sigma_fun Function of x to be evaluated to determine convergence
% (Optional, default: ignore)
% sigma Value to which sigma_fun is compared to determine convergence
% (Optional, default: ignore)
% f_bar Boolean to determine whether or not to show textbar
% (Optional, default: 0)
% Outputs:
% x Twomey estimate
% TWOMEY Performs inversion using the iterative Twomey approach.
% X = invert.twomey(A,B) inverts the system A*X = B using Twomey
% inversion, where A is a model matrix or kernel and B is a data vector.
% X = invert.twomey(A,B,XI) applies Twomey inversion using an initial
% guess of XI. If excluded, a vector of ones is used.
% X = invert.twomey(A,B,XI,ITER) applies Twomey inversion using ITER
% number of iterations. If excluded, 100 iterations is used.
% X = invert.twomey(A,B,XI,ITER,SIGMA_FUN,SIGMA) applies Twomey inversion
% using a function of X, SIGMA_FUN, and threshold, SIGMA, to determine
% convergence. If excluded, convergence is not checked and the full number
% of iterations is used.
% X = invert.twomey(A,B,XI,ITER,SIGMA_FUN,SIGMA,F_BAR) applies Twomey
% inversion, as above, with F_BAR flagging whether a progress bar is
% output to the console.
% AUTHOR: Timothy Sipkens, 2018-11-21

function [x] = twomey(A,b,xi,iter,sigma_fun,sigma,f_bar)
function [x] = twomey(A, b, xi, iter, sigma_fun, sigma, f_bar)

%-- Parse inputs ---------------------------------------------------------%
if ~exist('iter','var'); iter = []; end
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25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions +io/load_config.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@

% LOAD_CONFIG Loads settings from configuration file (YML).
% Files are loaded in order supplied, overwriting properties where
% relevant.
% AUTHOR: Timothy Sipkens, 2021-03-25

function config = load_config(fnames)

if ~iscell(fnames); fnames = {fnames}; end

config = struct();
for ii=1:length(fnames)

config0 = io.read_yml(fnames{ii}); % read new settings

% Copy (or overwrite) existing settings.
f = fieldnames(config0);
for jj = 1:length(f)
config.(f{jj}) = config0.(f{jj});


53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions +io/read_yml.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@

% READ_YML Simple little function to read simple little YAML format parameter files.
% AUTHOR: Lloyd Russell, 2017

function results = read_yml(filePath)

% read file line by line
fid = fopen(filePath, 'r');
data = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n', 'whitespace', '');

% remove empty lines
data = deblank(data{1});
data(cellfun('isempty', data)) = [];

% prepare final results structure
results = [];

% parse the contents (line by line)
for i = 1:numel(data)

% extract this line
thisLine = data{i};

% ignore if this line is a comment
if strcmpi(thisLine(1), '#')

% find the seperator between key and value
sepIndex = find(thisLine==':', 1, 'first');

% get the key name (remove whitespace)
key = strtrim(thisLine(1:sepIndex-1));

% get the value, ignoring any comments (remove whitespace)
value = strsplit(thisLine(sepIndex+1:end), '#');
value = strtrim(value{1});

% attempt to convert value to numeric type
[convertedValue, success] = str2num(value);
if success
value = convertedValue;

% store the key and value in the results
results.(key) = value;


63 changes: 38 additions & 25 deletions +kernel/gen.m → +kernel/gen_pma_dma.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,31 +1,43 @@

% GEN Evaluate kernel/transfer functions for DMA-PMA to find A.
% Author: Timothy Sipkens, 2020-02-04
% GEN_PMA_DMA Evaluate kernel/transfer functions for PMA-DMA.
% This function applies to miscellaneous PMA-DMA setpoints.
% The kernel.gen_pma_dma_grid function is preferred for computional
% reasions. As such, this function should only be used when the data does
% not adhere to a reasonable grid.
% Notes:
% 1. Cell arrays are used for Omega_mat and Lambda_mat in order to
% allow for the use of sparse matrices, which is necessary to
% store information on higher resolutions grids
% (such as those used for phantoms).
% 2. By default, this function uses the analytical PMA transfer function
% corresponding to Case 1C from Sipkens et al. (Aerosol Sci. Technol. 2020b).
% 3. Unlike gen_grid, requires a pre-computed setpoint structure (and,
% as such, a varargin argument is not included).
% A = kernel.gen_pma_dma(SP,D_STAR,GRID_I) evaluates the transfer function
% for the PMA setpoints specified by SP and the DMA setpoints specified by
% D_STAR. The kernel is evaluated by integrating the transfer function
% over the elements in GRID_I. This require the same numder of entries in
% SP and D_STAR.
% Please refer to the get_setpoint(...) function in tfer_pma folder for
% more details on generating the SP struture.
% Inputs:
% sp PMA setpoint structure
% d_star DMA setpoints
% grid_i Grid on which to perform integration
% prop_pma Structure defining the properties of the PMA
% A = kernel.gen_pma_dma(SP,D_STAR,GRID_I,PROP_PMA) specifies a
% pre-computed PMA property data structure. If not given, the function
% uses the defaults of kernel.prop_pma(...).
% A = kernel.gen_pma_dma(SP,D_STAR,GRID_I,PROP_PMA,PROP_DMA) specifies a
% pre-computed DMA property data structure.
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% NOTE: Cell arrays are used for Omega_mat and Lambda_mat in order to
% allow for the use of sparse matrices, which is necessary to
% store information on higher resolutions grids (such as those
% used for phantoms).
% AUTHOR: Timothy Sipkens, 2020-02-04

function A = gen(sp,d_star,grid_i,prop_dma)
function A = gen_pma_dma(sp, d_star, grid_i, prop_pma, prop_dma)

% If not given, import default properties of PMA,
% as selected by prop_pma function.
if ~exist('prop_pma','var'); prop_pma = []; end
if isempty(prop_pma); prop_pma = kernel.prop_pma; end
% import properties of PMA
% use default properties selected by prop_pma function

if length(sp)~=length(d_star); error('Setpoint / d_star mismatch.'); end

if ~exist('prop_dma','var'); prop_dma = []; end

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +67,7 @@
% Note: The DMA transfer function is 1D (only a function of mobility),
% which is exploited to speed evaluation. The results is 1 by 3 cell,
% with one entry per charge state.
disp('Computing DMA contribution...');
disp(' Computing DMA contribution...');
Omega_mat = cell(1,n_z); % pre-allocate for speed, one cell entry per charge state
for kk=1:n_z
Omega_mat{kk} = sparse(N_b,n_i(2)); % pre-allocate for speed
Expand All @@ -75,12 +87,12 @@
Omega_mat{kk} = Omega_mat{kk}(:,jj);
% repeat transfer function for repeated mass setpoint
disp('Completed DMA contribution.');
disp(' Completed DMA contribution.');
disp(' ');

%== STEP 2: Evaluate PMA transfer function ===============================%
disp('Computing PMA contribution:');
disp(' Computing PMA contribution:');
tools.textbar(0); % initiate textbar
Lambda_mat = cell(1,n_z); % pre-allocate for speed
% one cell entry per charge state
Expand All @@ -96,18 +108,19 @@
disp(' Complete.');
disp(' ');

%== SETP 3: Combine to compile kernel ====================================%
disp('Compiling kernel...');
disp(' Compiling kernel...');
K = sparse(N_b,N_i);
for kk=1:n_z
K = K+f_z(z_vec(kk),:).*... % charging contribution
Lambda_mat{kk}(:,:).*... % PMA contribution
Omega_mat{kk}(:,:); % DMA contribution
disp('Kernel compiled.');
disp(' Kernel compiled.');

dr_log = grid_i.dr; % area of integral elements in [logm,logd]T space
A = bsxfun(@times,K,dr_log'); % multiply kernel by element area
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