core Business Operating System Webservice Development Libraries
You can find additional information on the usage of the libraries in the coreBOS documentation wiki and tests and examples in the coreBOS Webservice Development tool.
The coreBOS team is actively maintaining the PHP, Javascript, Python(3) and Go versions of the library.
The java library is not being maintained. Any help is appreciated.
The normal set of functions most libraries implement is:
- setSession(logindata)
- getSession()
- getEntityId()
- getLanguage()
- getRecordId(id)
- hasError(resultdata)
- lastError ()
- doLogin(username, accesskey, withpassword)
- doLoginPortal(username, password, hashmethod, entity)
- doLogout()
- extendSession()
- doQuery(query)
- doQueryWithTotal(query)
- doListTypes()
- doDescribe(module)
- doRetrieve(record)
- doCreate(module, valuemap)
- doUpdate(module, valuemap)
- doUpsert($modulename, $createFields, $searchOn, $updateFields)
- doRevise(module, valuemap)
- doDelete(id)
- doMassUpsert(elements)
- doMassRetrieve(ids)
- doMassDelete(ids)
- doMassUpdate($elements)
- doGetRelatedRecords(record, module, relatedModule, queryParameters)
- doSetRelated(relate_this_id, with_these_ids)
- doInvoke(method, params, type)
- doValidateInformation(record, module, recordInformation)
- authorizationValidityDetector(error)
- sessionValidityDetector(error)
- __doChallenge(username)
- getResultColumns(result)
- getData(response)
- addcbWsOptions(operation, valueMap=null, resource='', valueMapParam = 'element')
- status(response)
- setURL(cburl, fetchingOptions=null)
Thank you very much for your help and contribution.
coreBOS Team