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Troubleshooting FAQs

Tua Rua edited this page Jun 12, 2020 · 5 revisions

Can I overlay flash display objects over the webView?

No. The webView is a native component which is rendered into the AIR window. It appears above the Flash display list. It is technically a separate window running it's own process.

Url does not load in iOS or macOS

Ensure you are using https urls. Apple enforces HSTS.

ADL crashes when I run on Windows

Read the wiki section carefully.

Can I run multiple WebViews?

No. Only one instance of WebViewANE can be created and used.

However, the view can be shown and hidden when not in use via the visible setter/getter eg.

webView.visible = false;

Are multiple AIR windows supported?

No. There is no reliable way to attach the webview processes to AIR child windows.

Why can't I play mp4s using Windows Chromium version?

H.264, the video codec used with mp4, is a licensed proprietary codec from MPEG-LA.
AAC, the audio codec used with mp4, is a licensed proprietary codec from ViaCorp.

The ANE is compiled without these proprietary codecs. I cannot publicly distribute the ANE without being liable to pay possible licensing fees.

You may request licenses for your company.

Once you acquire these licenses, we can discuss further how to obtain a version of the ANE compiled with these codecs.

When I use Flex I received error Variable com.tuarua.fre :: ANEError is not defined

Flash Builder is quirky and buggy. Export a Release build before running debug.

I am not able to add the ANE(s) to my Flash builder project

Make sure you are building a Captive Runtime build. AIR packages don't support ANEs.

Is it possible to develop for Windows and use macOS to create a MAC app?

No. Use a Windows PC or install Windows on your mac.

Are Promises supported in JavaScript when communicating AS -> JS ?
