This page explains how to setup a connection between the so-called ROS computer (your laptop) and the OptiTrack computer (the desktop receiving data from the OptiTrack cameras).
- Log into the OptiTrack computer
- Start Motive
- Select "perform new calibration"
- Camera system calibration:
- Making, wandering, calibration results, ground plane and origin ...
- (TODO: A picture showing our definition of the origin)
- Save the calibration file
- Log into the OptiTrack computer
- Start Motive
- Create a new project or load a prior project
- Place the objects with markers attached in the workspace
- Define rigid objects within the workspace:
- Select desired markers, right click and select "Create rigid body"
- Assign a "User ID": for each object, which should match the configuration in the OptiTrack ROS package (described below)
- In the streaming panel:
- Make sure the "Broadcast Frame Data" is selected
- Make sure the type "MultiCast" is selected in Advanced Network Settings
Note: if you cannot find those panels, click "View" in the menu bar of Motive, and choose "Project", "Data streaming". Then you should see those panels.
- Log into the ROS computer
- Clone and build this mocap_optitrack ROS package, e.g.:
cd catkin_ws/src git clone -b dcsc_pose_stamped cd .. catkin build mocap_optitrack source devel/setup.bash
Note: the newest version of the original mocap_optitrack ROS package has some unsolved issues. See mocap_optitrack ROS wiki page for more information.
- Log into the ROS computer
- Check if the ROS computer is connected to the ROS network (WLAN connection is preferable)
- Run the launch file, e.g.:
roslaunch mocap_optitrack hovergames.launch
- You can check if the data streaming is successful using the rostopic commands:
rostopic list rostopic echo TOPIC_NAME