Grunt is used for building, including concatenating, minimizing, documenting, linting, and testing.
Bower is used for downloading and managing client-side needed js libraries (e.g. JQuery).
- Install Node.js and its package manager, NPM
wget -qO- | bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
- Install Grunt and Bower
sudo -H npm install -g grunt-cli bower
- Install other dependencies
sudo apt-get install libgif-dev
- For each gui, install their dependencies
roscd tue_mobile_ui/(FOLDER)
npm install
bower install
Before proceeding, please confirm you have installed the dependencies above.
To run the build tasks:
roscd tue_mobile_ui/(FOLDER)/
grunt build
grunt build
will build the app in the build directory. It will also run the linter and test cases.
grunt serve
will watch for any changes to any of the src/ files and automatically build the files. This is ideal for those developing as you should only have to run grunt serve
npm run watch_global