Check that the host metadata is the expected value.
$ sudo mkr plugin install tukaelu/check-meta
check-meta [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-n, --namespace=NAMESPACE Uses the metadata for the specified namespace
-k, --key=KEY The value matching the specified key is used for comparison
-e, --expected=EXPECTED-VALUE Compares with the specified expected value
--regex Compare with regular expression if specified (Enable only for string type value)
--gt Compare as 'actual > expected' (Enable only for number type value)
--lt Compare as 'actual < expected' (Enable only for number type value)
--ge Compare as 'actual >= expected' (Enable only for number type value)
--le Compare as 'actual <= expected' (Enable only for number type value)
-N, --compare-namespace=NAMESPACE Uses the metadata for the specified namespace to compare
-K, --compare-key=KEY Uses the metadata value that matches the specified key as the expected value
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Supported expected value types are...
- string
- float64 (JSON number)
- bool
command = ["/path/to/check-meta", "--namespace", "namespace", "--key", "key", "--expected", "expected"]
command = ["/path/to/check-meta", "-n", "namespace", "-k", "key", "-e", "expected"]
# GET /api/v0/hosts/<hostId>/metadata/namespace
# {
# "key1": "value1",
# "key2": 1000,
# "key3": true,
# "key4": "value1",
# }
## OK (match)
command = ["/path/to/check-meta", "-n", "namespace", "-k", "key1", "-e", "value1"]
## OK (regex match)
command = ["/path/to/check-meta", "-n", "namespace", "-k", "key1", "-e", "value[0-1]{1}", "--regex"]
## OK (number lower than expected)
command = ["/path/to/check-meta", "-n", "namespace", "-k", "key2", "-e", "2000", "--lt"]
## OK (boolean match)
command = ["/path/to/check-meta", "-n", "namespace", "-k", "key3", "-e", "true"]
## OK (compare with metadata)
command = ["/path/to/check-meta", "-n", "namespace", "-k", "key1", "-K", "key4"]
## CRITICAL (does not match)
command = ["/path/to/check-meta", "-n", "namespace", "-k", "key2", "-e", 1001]
- Execute
check-meta -h
and you can get command line options.