This decentralized marketplace is built on the Sepolia testnet, enabling users to trade NFTs in a secure and transparent manner. The platform supports listing, buying, and selling of NFTs, providing a smooth user experience with reliable blockchain interactions
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This decentralized marketplace is built on the Sepolia testnet, enabling users to trade NFTs in a secure and transparent manner. The platform supports listing, buying, and selling of NFTs, providing a smooth user experience with reliable blockchain interactions.
- Frontend: Next.js, TailwindCSS
- Indexing: The Graph Indexer
- Blockchain Interaction: Ethers.js, Wagmi, RainbowKit
- Smart Contracts: Solidity
- Deployment: Hardhat, Alchemy
- Network: Sepolia Testnet
Listing NFTs: Users can easily list their NFTs for sale, ensuring a seamless process from creation to listing.
Buying and Selling: The platform supports the buying and selling of NFTs, providing a smooth and reliable transaction experience.
Frontend Development: Leveraging Next.js for server-side rendering and optimized performance, combined with Tailwind CSS for a modern and responsive design.
Blockchain Interactions: Utilizing Ethers.js and Wagmi for efficient and robust interactions with smart contracts on the Sepolia testnet.
Smart Contract Management: Developed and deployed smart contracts using Hardhat, ensuring reliable and secure contract interactions.
Data Indexing: Integrated
to efficiently index and query blockchain data, enhancing the performance and scalability of the platform. -
Wallet Connectivity: Enabled seamless wallet connections with RainbowKit, facilitating smooth user onboarding and interactions.
Tushar Nagar - @tusharnagar17 -
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