This library adds reactive breakpoint and media query methods based on Signals.
The code is directly inspired by VueUse.
npm install ngx-breakpoint-observer
import {
} from 'ngx-breakpoint-observer';
export class AppComponent {
breakpoints = injectBreakpoints(breakpointsTailwind);
reactiveStuff = signal<keyof typeof breakpointsTailwind>('sm');
isGreaterThanSignal = this.breakpoints.greaterOrEqual(this.reactiveStuff); // use signal without calling it!
smAndLarger = this.breakpoints.greaterOrEqual('sm'); // sm and larger
largerThanSm = this.breakpoints.greater('sm'); // only larger than sm
lgAndSmaller = this.breakpoints.smallerOrEqual('lg'); // lg and smaller
smallerThanLg = this.breakpoints.smaller('lg'); // only smaller than lg
import { injectBreakpoints } from 'ngx-breakpoint-observer';
export class AppComponent {
breakpoints = injectBreakpoints({
mobile: 0, // optional
tablet: 640,
laptop: 1024,
desktop: 1280,
// Can be 'mobile' or 'tablet' or 'laptop' or 'desktop'
activeBreakpoint =;
// true or false
laptop = this.breakpoints.between('laptop', 'desktop');