ZeroBrane Package is a collection of packages for ZeroBrane Studio.
You can find more information about ZeroBrane Studio packages and plugins in the documentation.
To install a plugin, copy its .lua
file to ZBS/packages/
or HOME/.zbstudio/packages/
(where ZBS
is the path to ZeroBrane Studio location and HOME
is the path specified by the HOME
environment variable).
The first location allows you to have per-instance plugins, while the second allows to have per-user plugins.
The second option may also be preferrable for Mac OSX users as the ZBS/packages/
folder may be overwritten during an application upgrade.
The plugins may depend on a particular version of ZeroBrane Studio.
One of the fields in the plugin description is dependencies
that may have as its value
(1) a table with various dependencies or (2) a minumum version number of ZeroBrane Studio required to run the plugin.
If the version number for ZeroBrane Studio is larger than the most recent released version (for example, the current release version is 0.50, but the plugin has a dependency on 0.51), this means that it requires a development version currently being worked on (which will become the next release version).
- analyzeall.lua: Analyzes all files in a project.
- autodelimiter.lua: Adds auto-insertion of delimiters (), {}, [], '', and "".
- autodelimitersurroundselection.lua: Extends auto-insertion of delimiters (), {}, [], '', and "" to add selection and removal of standalone pairs.
- autoindent.lua: Sets editor indentation based on file text analysis.
- autostartdebug.lua: Auto-starts debugger server.
- blockcursor.lua: Switches cursor to a block cursor.
- clippy.lua: Enables a stack-based clipboard which saves the last 10 entries.
- cloneview.lua: Clones the current editor tab.
- closetabsleftright.lua: Closes editor tabs to the left and to the right of the current one.
- colourpicker.lua: Selects color to insert in the document.
- cuberite.lua: Implements integration with Cuberite - the custom C++ minecraft server.
- documentmap.lua: Adds document map.
- edgemark.lua: Marks column edge for long lines.
- editorautofocusbymouse.lua: Moves focus to an editor tab the mouse is over.
- eris.lua: Implements integration with the Lua + Eris interpreter (5.3).
- escapetoquit.lua: Exits application on Escape.
- extregister.lua: Registers known extensions to launch the IDE on Windows.
- filetreeoneclick.lua: Changes filetree to activate items on one-click (as in Sublime Text).
- highlightselected.lua: Highlights all instances of a selected word.
- launchtime.lua: Measures IDE startup performance up to the first IDLE event.
- localhelpmenu.lua: Adds local help option to the menu.
- luadist.lua: Provides LuaDist integration to install modules from LuaDist.
- maketoolbar.lua: Adds a menu item and toolbar button that run
. - markchar.lua: Marks characters when typed with specific indicators.
- moonscript.lua: Implements integration with Moonscript language.
- moonscriptlove.lua: Implements integration with Moonscript with LÖVE.
- moveline.lua: Adds moving line or selection up or down using
. - noblinkcursor.lua: Disables cursor blinking.
- openimagefile.lua: Opens image file from the file tree.
- openra.lua: Adds API description for auto-complete and tooltip support for OpenRA.
- openwithdefault.lua: Opens file with Default Program when activated.
- outputclone.lua: Clones Output window to keep it on the screen when the application loses focus (OSX).
- outputtofile.lua: Redirects debugging output to a file.
- overtype.lua: Allows to switch overtyping on/off on systems that don't provide shortcut for that.
- projectsettings.lua: Adds project settings loaded on project switch.
- realtimewatch.lua: Displays real-time values during debugging.
- redis.lua: Integrates with Redis.
- referencepanel.lua: Adds a panel for showing documentation based on tooltips.
- refreshproject.lua: Refreshes project tree when files change (Windows only).
- remoteedit.lua: Allows to edit files remotely while debugging is in progress.
- savealleveryxrunning.lua: Saves all modified files every X seconds while running/debugging.
- saveonappswitch.lua: Saves all modified files when app focus is lost.
- saveonfocuslost.lua: Saves a file when editor focus is lost.
- screenshot.lua: Takes a delayed screenshot of the application window and saves it into a file.
- shebangtype.lua: Sets file type based on executable in shebang.
- showluareference.lua: Adds 'show lua reference' option to the editor menu.
- showreference.lua: Adds 'show reference' option to the editor menu.
- striptrailingwhitespace.lua: Strips trailing whitespaces before saving a file.
- syntaxcheckontype.lua: Reports syntax errors while typing (on
). - tasks.lua: Provides project wide tasks panel.
- tildemenu.lua: Allows to enter tilde (~) on keyboards that may not have it.
- todo.lua: Adds a panel for showing a tasks list.
- todoall.lua: Adds a project-wise panel for showing a tasks list.
- torch7.lua: Implements integration with torch7 environment.
- uniquetabname.lua: Updates editor tab names to always stay unique.
- urho3d.lua: Implements integration with Urho3D game engine.
- verbosesaving.lua: Saves a copy of each file on save in a separate directory with date and time appended to the file name.
- wordcount.lua: Counts the number of words and other statistics in the document.
- wordwrapmenu.lua: Adds word wrap option to the menu.
- xml.lua: Adds XML syntax highlighting.
Paul Kulchenko (