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Vue.js component runner with filesystem and python access


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If you're looking for "Vuejs-python that brings the concepts of vuejs to Python", see our V0 branch (and readme, and V0.* on pypi).

The goal of vuejs-python (starting from V1) is to

  • easily run standalone Vue.js components / micro-apps,
  • give them access to the working directory,
  • allow (unsafe) extensions to be written in Python (including numpy, local resource access, etc)


pip install vuejspython


vjspy [--trust-python] [--port=...] [--host=...] myfile.vue more arbitrary parameters

You can run the bundled tools using their : prefixed names instead of the vue file. These files are in

Here are some example usage, that can be followed as a tutorial:

vjspy :create-demo-files demo
vjspy :view-file demo/file1.txt
vjspy :edit-file demo/file1.txt
vjspy --trust-python :rotate-files demo/file*.txt
vjspy :toggle-exam demo/exam/*

# hosting the current folder with a video player
vjspy :serve-videos


HTML head

To add something in the HTML head (change title, icon, load library, etc):

        <title>View File</title>
        <!-- an SVG icon emoji -->
        <link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml"
        href="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%2016%2016'%3E%3Ctext%20style='filter:hue-rotate(60deg)'%20x='0'%20y='14'%3E👍%3C/text%3E%3C/svg%3E" />

Accessing Vue

To import elements from the bundled Vue (you can remove lang="ts" to use plain js, and setup to use a traditional component writing):

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, computed } from "#vue"

Accessing files

To use the custom filesystem API (asynchronously):

const { fs } = window.VueRunner

const content = await fs.readFile('path/to/file')

await fs.writeFile('path/to/file', 'hello content')

await fs.deleteFile('path/to/file')

const allFilesRecursively = (await fs.listFiles()).files

It allows only access to files in the folder where the program has been started (Warning: with --trust-python, this limitation can be worked around easily).

Accessing command line parameters

const { args } = window.VueRunner
// NB: starts at index 0, no parameters ⇒ args==[]

Adding Python code

This requires the program to be launched with --trust-python. You can add python code in a script element and FastAPI:

alert(await((await fetch('/.path')).text()))

<script lang="python">
def get_path():
    import sys
    return sys.path

See also the rotate-files example that uses command line arguments (in python) too.

Handling url hash

const { onHash, setHash } = window.VueRunner

onHash((h) => {
    // also triggers on first load (with empty hash or the hash from the initial URL)
    if (h !== '') {
        alert('you changed the address to '+h)

function showAbout() {

Pypi stuff

(in a clean clone, to be sure that not too much thing are copied)

python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel
python3 -m pip install --upgrade twine

# update the version number in and then
rm -rf dist/
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
python3 -m twine upload --repository-url dist/*
# OR: python3 -m twine upload dist/*

python3 -m pip install --index-url --upgrade --no-deps vuejspython
# OR: python3 -m pip install --upgrade --no-deps vuejspython

pip uninstall vuejspython

python3 -m pip install  .. ; ll $VENV/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vuejspython


  • maybe integrate zod?
  • doc that some thing are bunlded or with e.g. /.runner/builtin/diff.min.js ... consider e.g. #diff in addition for these... yes, like the #fsapi (which is built-in too)
  • example: exam, diff does not update/clear on save
  • Allow --online to get latest libs from cdn
  • Allow --open-browser to open the file
  • Allow opening an existing instance if the port is taken (already running)
  • Allow a random port
  • Warn if some python but no --trust-python (and neither --no-pyton) and show the updated command
  • Allow some config section, e.g. with prefered port etc
  • Update build system... python is deprecated
  • When trust-python, expose an api to run shell commands too (maybe proto in trailtools)
  • consider integration of .quit (from trailtools logdown / sport)
  • an eject command to get the source of a bultin
  • a @pkg/exc to allow for running a custom one, e.g. that have been vjspy install github:twitwi/blabla... or rather pip installed! (with maybe a default per package? so just @pkg is ok?)
  • video: allow for a logo
  • video: filter files (e.g. remove extensionless things, vtt too, etc, optionnal, still allow to show all with a checkbox)


  • Allow --allow-all-files
  • Nicer not-all-recursive listing... for perfs
  • Also add watcher option (need websockets probably, or add a polling e.g. /.changed /.last-change)
  • consider use as vite-based projects too? and/or a version that hosts a build page but allows the fs api etc? and/or an fsapi that works similarly but in vite? see (for inspiration or direct use) or 4y


Vue.js component runner with filesystem and python access







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