Tyler McQueen's AKS project for Qualyfi.
To deploy, please run line: ./deploy/deploy.sh
Please ensure Docker is running locally before running deployment.
- Deploy a ‘free’ sku AKS cluster with a public control plane
- Deploy the voting application: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-voting-app-redis
- Use a ‘basic’ sku ACR to store the application in your subscription and deploy from there
- Use Linux node pools using the Mariner OS (Microsoft Linux)
- Create two node pools, one for system and one for the application – use default sku for node pool vm’s which is ‘Standard_DS2_v2’
- Use ‘containerd’ for the container runtime
- Set the node pools to auto scale using the cluster autoscaler
- Set the pods to auto scale using the horizontal pod autoscaler
- Use an application namespace called ‘production’
- Use Azure CNI networking with dynamic allocation of IPs and enhanced subnet support
- Use AKS-managed Microsoft Entra integration, use the existing EID group ‘AKS EID Admin Group’ for Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Cluster Admin access
- Use Azure role-based access control for Kubernetes Authorization
- Disable local user accounts
- Use an Application Gateway for ingress traffic
- Use a NAT gateway for internet egress traffic
- Use a system assigned managed identity for the cluster
- Use the Azure Key Vault provider to secure Kubernetes secrets in AKS, create an example secret and attach it to the backend pods
- Use a ‘standard’ sku Bastion and public/private keys to SSH to the pods
- Enable IP subnet usage monitoring for the cluster
- Enable Container Insights for the cluster
- Enable Prometheus Monitor Metrics and Grafana for the cluster
Success/Acceptance Criteria:
- Connect to the application front end via the App Gateway public ip
- User node pool running without error with the front and back-end application
- SSH to a node via the Bastion and the SSH keys
- From the node load a web page via the NAT Gateway: curl ifconfig.me
- Check cluster autoscaler logs for correct function of the cluster
- Confirm the Pod autoscaler is running
- Connect to a pod using kubectl bash command
- Display the value of the example secret in the pod bash shell: kubectl exec (podName) --namespace (namespace) -- cat ./secrets-store-(front/back)/(secretName)
- Check Container Insights is running, via the portal
- Check Prometheus Monitor Metrics in Grafana instance
- Use Azure Loading Testing to load the AKS cluster resulting in autoscaling of the nodes and pods: kubectl get pods --namespace (namespace)