Habitat Sartorial, the not-for-profit, habitat-building fashion center.
This is the commerce website built with react and firebase. Currently hosted at https://habitatsartorial.org
In collaboration with Habitat for Humanity. Based in the 317, Indianapolis.
- How to export cloud firestore data: https://cloud.google.com/firestore/docs/manage-data/export-import#google-cloud-console
- I stopped using this todo list after a while. Lots was done
Email list to collections page (for the time being)CollectionsAdd metadata to paymentIntent (so we can observe what payment is for which besides the intent_id)"Order ref: {}", consider telling the user about their order's unique id so they can feel valued- Stylistic changes
Change button color scheme to be more universal and less generic. Probably to a slick black & whitefade transitions (cp andstudio.lt)Cart view is grossHover to show image previewDarkmode to Sponsors page
Email domainsAdd state code to checkout formFix appbar (make cart show below shop)Dl andstudio.lt video intro and use to test video intros