Mix the usage of the @AutoValue
and @AutoFactory
Auto libraries.
The property type should be annotated with an @AutoValueFactory
holding the actual @AutoFactory
definition. All @Provided
properties need
to be annotated with @FactoryProvided
and any @Qualifier
which should be
applied to it.
public abstract class AutoValueWithFactoryType {
public abstract String provided();
public abstract String nullableProvided();
public abstract String notProvided();
Use JitPack with autoValueFactoryVersion
set to the id of HEAD.
Then add the following dependencies to the build.gradle.
compile "com.github.tynn.auto-value-factory:runtime:$autoValueFactoryVersion"
compileOnly "com.github.tynn.auto-value-factory:annotations:$autoValueFactoryVersion"
annotationProcessor "com.github.tynn.auto-value-factory:extension:$autoValueFactoryVersion"