Will alert you to prepare your mantras. Unfortunately arcdps does not provide ability cooldowns in realtime so I had to work around that limitation.
- A firebrand in your squad died OR You (firebrand) died.
- You are out of combat.
- Arcdps stoppped logging.
- You swapped maps.
targeting ImGui 1.8
msvc x64:
make sure you have arcdps
move the mantra-alerter.dll(releases) to the folder where the gw2 exe is or the bin64 folder (its in the same folder as your gw2 exe)
then in-game open the arcdps options window (alt-shift-t)
in the Extensions tab under Manta Alert should be options to change addon behavior.
post an issue
hmu in discord typedeck#7119
or in-game at woodel.6318