A2C | D4PG |
This project includes implementations of A2C and D4PG for continuous control.
A2C: Advantage Actor-Critic
D4PG: Distributed Distributional Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (a.k.a. Sally sells seashells by the seashore)
In this reinforcement learning task, the agent is a double-jointed arm that is rewarded for keeping its hand inside a moving target location. The environment specifications are:
continuous-valued states corresponding to the position, rotation, velocity, and angular velocity of the arm.4
continuous-valued actions corresponding to the torques applied to the two joints that fall in the range[-1, 1]
.- A reward of
for each time step that the agent has its hand in the target location, and a reward of0
The agent’s goal is to achieve an average score of 30
over a window of 100 episodes.
Follow the instructions here to:
- Create a
environment. - Clone the Udacity Deep RL repository.
- Install Python packages into the environment.
- Create an IPython kernel using the environment.
The OpenAI Gym instructions can be skipped.
In order to watch the agent play the game, you also need to download the environment by following the instructions here.
Once you've completed the setup, you can:
- Open
. - Select the kernel created during setup.
- Run all the cells in the notebook to train the agent.
Follow the instructions here, load the saved neural network weights (a2c_policy.pth
for A2C or d4pg_actor.pth
and d4pg_critic.pth
for D4PG), and watch the trained agent interact with the environment!