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Windows Build of OpenVDB

by lithozine (April 22, 2015)

These instructions, and the repository forks named win_openexr and win_openvdb, contain updated cmake files, packaging steps, and fixes to allow for building of OpenVDB on Windows.

NOTE This build tested on Win7 64-bit, VS 2010, in 64-bit Debug and Release modes. I will provide support for this platform config only. If you have issues with other compilers, other versions of windows, or 32-bit builds, please use the openvdb forums.

Post questions/comments to:, on the thread "[Solution] OpenVDB 3.0 for Win 7 64-bit / VS2010"

The main idea behind this build is to keep a clear separation between the source code and the final build outputs and projects. This makes it easy to wipe the current build output, while keeping the source code handy to regenerate. The original git content in \source will not be modified during the build.

Instructions follow:

  1. Create the following folder structure

Retrieve the packages from the links provided, and use git clone for the \source repos.

    \boost_1_57_0	  Install from boost_1_57_0-msvc-10.0-64.exe at
    \glew-1.11.0    Install from
    \glfw           Install from	
    \tbb43          Install from
    \zlib           Git Clone from
    \win_openvdb    Git Clone from
    \win_openexr    Git Clone from

Notice that the git clone source repositories are kept separate from the build pre-requisites. At this point, the \build folder should contain unpacked installations of the existing libraries shown above. The \source folder should contain a git clone of these forked repositories.

NOTE Only the base path \codes can be renamed or relocated. All the paths inside, includig \build and \source, and their sub-folders must follow the above structure. The names \build and \source must not be changed.

  1. Install and start CMake-gui, version 2.8.12 or later

  1. ZLib - CMake and Build

3.1. Run cmake-gui, and specify the following source and build paths:
Source code: \codes\source\zlib
Build binaries: \codes\build\zlib
3.2. Click Configure, and choose "Visual Studio 10 Win64".
3.3. Now click Generate.
You should see this output:

Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/zlib/$(Configuration)/zlib.dll -> D:/Codes/build/zlib/lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/zlib/$(Configuration)/zlib.lib -> D:/Codes/build/zlib/lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/zlib/$(Configuration)/zlibstatic.lib -> D:/Codes/build/zlib/lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/source/zlib/*.h -> D:/Codes/build/zlib/include
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/zlib/zconf.h -> D:/Codes/build/zlib/include
Configuring done
Generating done

3.4. Go to the path \code\build\zlib, and open zlib.sln in VS2010
3.5. Select "Release" mode, 64-bit, and Build all.. Should have 6 succeeded, 0 failed.

  1. IlmBase - CMake and Build

4.1. Run cmake-gui, and specify the following source and build paths:
Source code: \codes\source\win_openexr\IlmBase
Build binaries: \codes\build\IlmBase
4.2. Click Configure, and choose "Visual Studio 10 Win64".
4.3. Now click Generate.
You should see this output:

Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/Half/$(Configuration)/Half.dll -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/Half/$(Configuration)/Half.lib -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/source/win_openexr/IlmBase/Half/*.h -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/include
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/Iex/$(Configuration)/Iex.dll -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/Iex/$(Configuration)/Iex.lib -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/source/win_openexr/IlmBase/Iex/*.h -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/include
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/IexMath/$(Configuration)/IexMath.dll -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/IexMath/$(Configuration)/IexMath.lib -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/source/win_openexr/IlmBase/IexMath/*.h -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/include
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/Imath/$(Configuration)/Imath.dll -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/Imath/$(Configuration)/Imath.lib -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/source/win_openexr/IlmBase/Imath/*.h -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/include
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/IlmThread/$(Configuration)/IlmThread.dll -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/IlmThread/$(Configuration)/IlmThread.lib -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/source/win_openexr/IlmBase/IlmThread/*.h -> D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/include
Configuring done
Generating done

4.4. Go to the path \code\build\IlmBase, and open IlmBase.sln in VS2010
4.5. Select "Release" mode, 64-bit, and Build all.. Should have 12 succeeded, 0 failed.

  1. OpenEXR - CMake and Build

5.1. Run cmake-gui, and specify the following source and build paths:
Source code: \codes\source\win_openexr\OpenEXR
Build binaries: \codes\build\OpenEXR
5.2. Click Configure, and choose "Visual Studio 10 Win64".
5.3. Now click Generate.
You should see this output:

Zlib Library: Found at D:/Codes/build/zlib/lib/zlib.lib
IlmBase Library: Found at D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Half.lib;D:/Codes/openvdb/build/IlmBase/lib/Iex.lib;D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Imath.lib;D:/Codes/IlmBase/lib/IlmThread.lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/source/win_openexr/OpenEXR/IlmImf/*.h -> D:/Codes/build/OpenEXR/include
Configuring done
Generating done

5.4. Go to the path \code\build\OpenEXR, and open OpenEXR.sln in VS2010
5.5. Select "Release" mode, 64-bit, and Build all.. Should have 15 succeeded, 0 failed.

  1. OpenVDB - CMake and Build

6.1. Run cmake-gui, and specify the following source and build paths:
Source code: \codes\source\win_openvdb\OpenVDB
Build binaries: \codes\build\OpenVDB
6.2. Click Configure, and choose "Visual Studio 10 Win64".
6.3. Now click Generate.
You should see this output:

GLFW3 Library: Found at D:/Codes/build/glfw/lib/glfw3.lib
GLEW Library: Found at D:/Codes/build/glew-1.11.0/lib/Release/x64/glew32.lib
Boost version: 1.57.0
Found the following Boost libraries:
IlmBase Library: Fount at D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Half.lib;D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Iex.lib;D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Imath.lib;D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/IlmThread.lib
OpenEXR Library: Fount at D:/Codes/build/OpenEXR/lib/IlmImf.lib
TBB Library Dir: D:/Codes/build/tbb43/lib/intel64/vc10/ 
TBB Arch:        intel64 
TBB Compiler:    vc10 
TBB Library: Found at D:/Codes/build/tbb43/lib/intel64/vc10/tbb.lib
Zlib Library: Found at D:/Codes/build/zlib/lib/zlib.lib
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/OpenEXR/lib/IlmImf.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Release
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Half.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Release
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Iex.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Release
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Imath.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Release
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/IlmThread.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Release
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/zlib/lib/zlib.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Release
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/tbb43/bin/intel64/vc10/*.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Release
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/boost_1_57_0/lib64-msvc-10.0/boost_system*.dll -> D:/Codes/openvdb/build/OpenVDB/Release
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/OpenEXR/lib/IlmImf.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Debug
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Half.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Debug
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Iex.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Debug
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Imath.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Debug
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/IlmThread.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Debug
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/zlib/lib/zlib.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Debug
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/tbb43/bin/intel64/vc10/*.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB/Debug
Packaging for /include: D:/Codes/build/boost_1_57_0/lib64-msvc-10.0/boost_system*.dll -> D:/Codes/openvdb/build/OpenVDB/Debug
Configuring done
Generating done

6.4. Go to the path \code\build\OpenVDB, and open OpenVDB.sln in VS2010
6.5. Select "Release" mode, 64-bit, and Build all.. Should have 5 succeeded, 2 failed.

  1. Check it and Try it!

This build system was designed to do everything automatically. When finished, you should have an openvdb.lib and openvdb.dll which you can use in other projects, and an vdb_render.exe which will confirm the build.
Other things to observe:
7.1. Upon success, the build folder should now look like this:


Of course, the \source should remain identical to what it was from github. It is not modified during build.
7.2. You can also confirm correct packaging by looking the include and lib paths of \IlmBase and \OpenEXR.

\IlmBase\include    Contains half.h, Iex.h, IlmThread.h, IlmBaseConfig.h, etc.
\IlmBase\lib        Contains Half.dll, Half.lib, Iex.dll, Iex.lib, IexMath.dll/lib, IlmThread.dll/lib, Imath.dll/lib
\OpenEXR\include    Contains many Imf*.h files, and OpenEXRConfig.h
\OpenEXR\lib        Contains IlmImf.dll and IlmImf.lib

7.3. The output of OpenVDB will be placed into \build\OpenVDB\Release
Here you will find the openvdb.lib, vdb_print.exe and vdb_render.exe for testing, and copies of the supporting .dll and .lib files needed to run the binary

vdb_render.exe      VDB Render sample, to confirm it all works.
vdb_print.exe       VDB Print sample
openvdb.lib         Link library for projects using openvdb
openvdb.dll         DLL library for projects using openvdb
boost_system-vc100-mt-1.57.dll    DLL required for openvdb
Half.dll            DLL required for openvdb
Iex.dll             DLL required for openvdb
IlmImf.dll          DLL required for openvdb
IlmThread.dll       DLL required for openvdb
Imath.dll           DLL required for openvdb
tbb.dll             DLL required for openvdb
tbb_debug.dll       DLL required for openvdb
tbb_preview.dll     DLL required for openvdb
zlib.dll            DLL required for openvdb
(and possibly some others)

7.4. To finally test your OpenVDB build, download a sample .vdb file from samples at the bottom of this page:
Place the .vdb file into the \build\OpenVDB\Release folder, next to vdb_render.exe
7.5. From the command-line run this:
D:\codes\build\OpenVDB\Release> vdb_render bunny_cloud.vdb bunny_cloud.exr -res 1920x1080 -translate 0,0,110 -absorb 0.4,0.2,0.1 -gain 0.2 -v

Build OpenVDB COOKBOOK Project

The win_openvdb fork also includes a project for the OpenVDB Cookbook example #1.
The source is located in \win_openvdb\openvdb_cookbook.
The following shows automated CMake steps for building this project. I would strongly recommend that you become familiar with CMake, as it will greatly simplify your life. Look at \openvdb_cookbook\CMakeLists.txt. It is a simple example that shows how each aspect of a build can be specified in a cmake.
NOTE If you really want to create your own Visual Studio .sln and .vxproj, to really write the cookbook example from scratch, you can also do this. You must then explicitly set the correct include paths, input libraries, and preprocessor defines so that all the needed libraries are found.

The steps for creating the Cookbook project art thou:

  1. Run cmake-gui, and specify the following source and build paths:
    Source code: \codes\source\win_openvdb\openvdb_cookbook
    Build binaries: \codes\build\openvdb_cookbook
  2. Click Configure, and choose "Visual Studio 10 Win64".
  3. Now click Generate.
    You should see this output:
TBB Compiler:    vc10 
TBB Library: Found at D:/Codes/build/tbb43/lib/intel64/vc10/tbb.lib
Zlib Library: Found at D:/Codes/build/zlib/lib/zlib.lib
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/OpenEXR/lib/IlmImf.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Release
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Half.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Release
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Iex.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Release
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Imath.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Release
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/IlmThread.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Release
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/zlib/lib/zlib.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Release
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/tbb43/bin/intel64/vc10/*.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Release
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/boost_1_57_0/lib64-msvc-10.0/boost_system*.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Release
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/boost_1_57_0/lib64-msvc-10.0/boost_thread*.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Release
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/OpenEXR/lib/IlmImf.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Debug
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Half.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Debug
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Iex.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Debug
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/Imath.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Debug
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/IlmBase/lib/IlmThread.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Debug
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/zlib/lib/zlib.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Debug
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/tbb43/bin/intel64/vc10/*.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Debug
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/boost_1_57_0/lib64-msvc-10.0/boost_system*.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Debug
Packaging: D:/Codes/build/boost_1_57_0/lib64-msvc-10.0/boost_thread*.dll -> D:/Codes/build/OpenVDB_cookbook/Debug
Configuring done
Generating done
  1. Go to the path \code\build\openvdb_cookbook, and open OpenVDB_Cookbook.sln in VS2010
  2. Select "Debug" or "Release" mode, 64-bit, and Build all.
  3. Make sure that "openvdb_cookbook" project is set as the Startup project (right-click it and set as Startup Project)
  4. Run!
    NOTE If the console flashes briefly, this is correct. The sample does not wait for input on exit. To see it better, try Debug -> Start Without Debugging, or add a _getch() as the last line of main()

Q: What to do about LINK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL' value 'X' doesn't match value 'Y'
A: For the cookbook project, this is usually caused building the OpenVDB.lib as a debug library instead of release. The cookbook expects to use the release version of openvdb.lib. If you would like to use OpenVDB.lib as debug, then you can modify the CMakelist.txt for openvdb_cookbook, find the line for _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL, and set it to '2' instead of '0'.

================================================================================ OpenVDB Development Repository

This GitHub repository hosts the trunk of the OpenVDB development. This implies that it is the newest public version with the latest features and bug fixes. However, it also means that it has not undergone a lot of testing and is generally less stable than the production releases that we will continue to deliver as tar-balls at

For documentation of the library and code examples see:

General discussion forum:

================================================================================ Contributor License Agreement

Developers who wish to contribute code to be considered for inclusion in the OpenVDB distribution must first complete this Contributor License Agreement:

and submit it to DreamWorks (directions are in the CLA). We prefer code submissions in the form of pull requests to this repository, and all code should adhere to the OpenVDB coding standards:


Windows x64 Build for OpenVDB






No packages published


  • C++ 96.5%
  • CMake 1.8%
  • Other 1.7%