Single Cell Splicing Analysis of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Cancer
- Template
- Background
- Data
- Usage
- Installation
- Requirements
- [Activate conda environment]
- Results depending on project
- Team Members
Alternative splicing causes generation of distinct mRNAs from the single gene resulting in various structural or functional protein isoforms. Splicing is conducted by splicesome, a complex molecular machinery in the eukaryotic cells. Cancer cells exhibits cell type specific alterations in the splicing process that invokes a prognostic/therapeutic value or serve as biomarkers for cancer diagnosis. The transcriptomic landscape of the cancer cells engender vulnerability to inhibition of splicing, thus can be targeted therapeutically. sigSPLICE will delineate unique splicing signatures in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Cancer that will unravel novel biomarkers for cancer detection and targets for pharmacological intervention.
git clone -b main
### Requirements
-Python, R program
- Anaconda3
- Tested with version: 2020.02
### Activate conda environment
**Note**: The is an example note with a [link](
## Results
:exclamation: _If your project yielded or intends to yield some novel analysis, please include them in your readme. It can be named something other than results as well._ :exclamation:
## Team Members
Priyanka Gupta | | Team Leader
Libo Sun | | Team member
Mehadi Hasan | | Team member
Mostafa Mohamed | | Team member
Amr Elkholy | | Team member
Abdiaziz Ali Gosar | | Team member