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Releases: u1035/BookmarkManager

BookmarkManager v1.1

04 Mar 13:38
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Migrated to NET7, cleaned up some code warnings, added ClickOnce installer.
No major code changes made, only made it actual.

BookmarkManager v1.0a

13 Jun 16:43
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Just download, unzip it and run! It's designed to be portable.

If you get error about missing libraries like missing api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll
Ensure that you have Visual C++ Redistributable packages and .NET Core runtime installed on your system. You can find them on MS website:

You may also try self-contained version (BookmarkManager.exe file), which has .NET Core runtime included inside it, but it's size much more than usual version (almost 140 Mb vs 230 Kb).