Team: Nathan Smith, Mitch Harris, Ryan Koenig, Sophia Bulcock
The Board Game Dashboard can be found here!
Note that the purpose of this dashboard is to rewrite the Milestone 2 Python Dashboard found here into Dash-R. This has been completed within this repository.
There are currently no plans to update this dashboard and instead the focus will be on updating the Python Dashboard. A list of planned updates for the Python Dashboard can be found here.
The Board Game Dashboard provides interactive exploration of a dataset of approximately 10,000 board games from the Board Game Geek website. The data includes board games with their descriptions, general game details, and user ratings and was obtained from the R4DS TidyTuesday 2019-03-12 Github repository.
The dashboard has the following general functionality:
- Exploration of trends in board game features from 1950 to 2016.
- Summary of most popular board game features and board games based on user selections of game category, mechanics, publisher, and/or published year.
The best way to understand the functionality is just to check it out!
An exploratory data analysis was also prepared prior to the dashboard and can be read here.
The dashboard is currently under active development and will soon include the following updates within the Python Dashboard (stay tuned!):
- Improved layout and aesthetics
- Revised game count vs published year bar chart
- Additional in-app user instructions.
Several larger enhancements are also underway for the dashboard!
- Updated board game dataset available on Kaggle. The updated dataset is provided by the author of Recommend.Games (very cool board game recommender using machine learning) but requires additional wrangling into a useable state for the dashboard.
- 3D visualization of the board game data. The visualization uses T-SNE dimensionality reduction to plot board game categories and mechanics on two dimensions and the third dimension represents user rating. An exploratory analysis completed for this functionality can be found here.
To report bugs/issues/feature requests, please file an issue.
These are very welcome!
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