UPDATE: The 1.5.13 release had a bug in reading transactions. Please upgrade to version 1.5.14. If you are running a node which relies on archival transactions, please re-sync from scratch.
This release is an optional upgrade but is highly recommended.
This will likely be the last release before a hard fork upgrade to change the Proof of Work algorithm detailed in UIP 1.
- Update Bootnodes
- Fix Ledger hardware wallet support. Further usage details below.
- Remove redundant storage of transactions and receipts. This will perform a one time "Deduplicating database entries" routine on start up of this version.
- Various removals of unused code and general clean ups
- Fix building with Go >= 1.7
All of the provided binaries are also built using the latest Go 1.10.1+.
Ledger Nano S With Gubiq 1.5.13
- Select the Ubiq app
- Set Settings -> Contract data Yes
- Set Settings -> Browser Support No
- Will show first unused account only
- When the first unused account is used, the next unused account will be displayed
$ shasum -a 256 *
eab6db57eaf44963666843ce7333dc180d09ebfa7084114f94b5bfd97b05fd01 gubiq-darwin-amd64
a56a75688e02f1cdc652563c1f99079204dd11504d73966710f7e1e8ffe44eb6 gubiq-linux-amd64
ac9ee72b858622d927663bbfd7e5e8dc08e00c105c8cc168ebfa3663d248cb23 gubiq-linux-arm-7
1f236fa056e46d6743adabb53c49e0588a4271394d6f907f31f940484f7192d6 gubiq-linux-arm64
78e3c7975fb56a048b804c0fa06d33ec7d0294da61643950a7209f4a56121353 gubiq-windows-4.0-amd64.exe