Releases: ubiquity-os-marketplace/text-conversation-rewards
Releases · ubiquity-os-marketplace/text-conversation-rewards
1.2.1 (2024-12-20)
Bug Fixes
- check collaborator admin grants before checking on org level (079442e)
- ignore limit for assigned users (377e8f2)
- remove unnecessary mock in favour of mocked api endpoint (a5d16a2)
- set relevance to multiply the whole result (revert 8c4fe1b) (d5838e6)
- the capping message is not displayed if there is no task reward (28d3b88)
1.2.0 (2024-11-30)
- add Bun package manager and refactor createPlugin (f66b609)
- add loading state to form submission (1ebc1a5)
- add navigation section to main component (e49e52f)
- add payload creator for issue close event (dfd04f5)
- add startup instructions and update payload config handling (c1c727f)
- command input (6b3a53b)
- command interface (1925cb9)
- enhance issue submission form and update URLs (dee2589)
- multiply conv reward with priority for higher reward (a1fc779)
- remove SQLite dependency and add hono package (8bcf6c8)
- rewards: add limitRewards to cap non-task rewards (9ff6ba9)
- track unique URLs in formatting evaluator (8e8fc82)
- web: add initial setup for Hono-based frontend (925c7ac)
Bug Fixes
- add a th to display priority and fix it being not being multiplied (69ff0e4)
- add non-breaking spaces around Ubiquity Dollar link (2fb75b6)
- add priority parsing tests (dbf0ab3)
- add priority parsing tests (7889d58)
- add useCache option to payload processing (134a18f)
- add useCache option to payload processing (b01dc77)
- configuration: adjust role-based multiplier and rewards (ebb4940)
- enhance error logging and update regex for comments (2ccdc8a)
- environment for compute (d99e3f3)
- exclude and octokit (8c0a729)
- fees.test.ts (e549b35)
- handle undefined scores with explicit comparison (11e2d8a)
- import error regarding parsePriorityLabel (d080448)
- improve error logging and add route parsing in server (49e87b4)
- parser: handle URLs with query parameters correctly (c7b55dc)
- parser: remove footnotes and improve URL extraction (ab2f9be)
- parser: simplify priority label parsing (94ec7de)
- parser: simplify priority label parsing (17070e6)
- payload for backend uses the owner and repo payload (cd42282)
- process.issue.test.ts by changing output (9ff121f)
- properly mul priority level (ca27c90)
- refactor .call to .callee$ (c4327dd)
- replace ubiquity-os-kernel with plugin-sdk (a94a75c)
- reward-limits: adjust rewards limit calculation (171f523)
- rewards.test.ts and have precison upto 3 decimal places (c09b16b)
- simplify commentType generation and default multipliers (0b0243e)
- update Octokit import in test file (6a2acc7)
- update OpenAI endpoint and improve GitHub comment metadata (7da861e)
- update regex and parsing for OpenAI responses (93b33df)
- update regex for OpenAI route validation (0d5995b)
- web: update Form types and enhance URL handling (017b048)
1.5.1 (2024-10-12)
Bug Fixes
- add log message for closed pull requests (d640681)
- add logging for payload truncation (bf0f4c5)
- added custom configuration and related tests (2fc8136)
- downgrade ethers to 5.7.2 and update web3 helper (c5e8e3c)
- enhance error logging for missing multiplier cases (a8cab80)
- enhance error logging for missing multiplier cases (72d0d47)
- remove redundant console log in run.ts (7851b75)
- upgrade permit generation package (5300022)
1.5.0 (2024-09-30)
- add private key formats (43ffc4d)
- added log level (f41393a)
- changed word count and introduced elementCount (6911a5d)
- compressing html output (741ee20)
- content is stripped if it is too large for a comment (f2ca2bb)
- skip minimized comments (0a7576d)
- support individual repos (0d34345)
Bug Fixes
- apply fixes to broken merge (bbb22e6)
- edited the mock results to match new calculation module (a0d007c)
- fix github comment and reward split tests (4e24f40)
- fix github comment and reward split tests (3cee864)
- fixed decimal issues with evaluation (1e30cd2)
- fixed issues with permit generation and mock results (aa3affa)
- html content is stripped from metadata (a595751)
- include forgotten reward-split calculation changes (b171bb6)
- no message is posted on skip (512519d)
- refactored extra calculation and fixed mock results (834910e)
- relevance is only applied to content (8c4fe1b)
- removed regex from configuration (19e70a4)
- resolve conflicts (434d28a)
- test permit related mock test result fixes (0b6f245)
- typo (cd740ab)
- use camel casing for property name (2da6b86)
- use issue.node_id for permit nonces (1d2ad4d)
1.3.0 (2024-08-13)
- add erc20RewardToken config param (2b53e68)
- add permit env variables (d24b5a7)
- add relevance config for content evaluator (16d6c61)
- add test (33bb5d9)
- added ubiquibot logger (9318652)
- added ubiquibot logger (0533eba)
- changed configuration for rewards (a0cc8a4)
- cli argument to pass the issue URL to the program (d4e9116)
- configuration for data collection (26a0bed)
- fixed error, added test (6791fed)
- github app login (f4f4896)
- github app login (b2efc68)
- github app login (df34aa7)
- github app login (8add964)
- github app login (ad16266)
- github app login (013519d)
- github app login (39fa39d)
- moved tsx to production dependencies (423f49e)
- pass token address on permit generation (6fd15dd)
- permit generation module (925243f)
- permit generation module (50b396b)
- prompt openai for json response (0c063a8)
- read inputs from GitHub inputs instead of CLI (30ac759)
- retry configuration (d53060f)
- retry plugin (6bdd49f)
- retry to fetch on error (a89fffd)
- reward is now split if there are multiple assignees (b556238)
- saving permit to database (aecd4e1)
- set default erc20 reward param to WXDAI (f7ad975)
- subtract fees (b7154c4)
- updated jest test workflow (a69f8d9)
- updated jest test workflow (834f821)
Bug Fixes
- assignees are added to the reward even without commenting (170cdcc)
- comments are ignored for the final result (ee14b90)
- content preview is properly stripped down to 64 characters (7206411)
- cspell ignore words (1160614)
- do not apply fee to (6e09210)
- error comment (9c776e5)
- fixed path for evm values (2f3c2ee)
- improve specification comment identification (264869f)
- include missing h5 and other html tags (a22defd)
- linked PRs are properly collected (8ea2713)
- mock (dd64253)
- mock (b02ee29)
- mock (5bde793)
- more characters are escaped (backtick, ampersand) to avoid display issues (550869c)
- number conversion (a0fa350)
- permit generation is skipped if price label is missing (configurable) (d59cb0a)
- remove build action and changed trigger for Jest testing (146580e)
- remove unnecessary toFixed() (0206639)
- removed enabled setting from configuration (bf0d08a)
- replace console logs with logger (324234f)
- resolve conflicts (05e19bf)
- resolve conflicts (f8159e1)
- score as 0 for unlisted html tags (8a5a3ef)
- set relevance as 1 on chatgpt failure (708db4e)
- set review comments relevance as 1 (4d574b8)
- set specs relevance as 1 (101d176)
- skip on issue close not completed status (2c15e7c)
- stop evaluataion on openai failure (3835202)
- the metadata is properly escaped to avoid html rendering (6b512c5)
- updated test suite to match the new schema, fixed the async test to not run after tear down (ca6e472)
- use decimal correctly get correct floating point (135105d)
- use typebox to validate openai response (f468888)
- users with no comment now can see their issue task on multiple assignees (615d221)
1.0.0 (2024-06-11)
- cli argument to pass the issue URL to the program (d4e9116)
- collect all user events (147ba83)
- command line parsing arguments (af93229)
- configuration parser (0e6f3d1)
- formatting is evaluated and influences the final score (45d2831)
- get-activity: properly fetches everything according to test (6e067f7)
- github app login (f4f4896)
- github app login (b2efc68)
- github app login (df34aa7)
- github app login (8add964)
- github app login (ad16266)
- github app login (013519d)
- github app login (39fa39d)
- link pull request from issue (not other way around) (e6aa979)
- moved tsx to production dependencies (423f49e)
- pass in token from kernel to authenticate octokit client (1f4ba00)
- permit generation module (925243f)
- permit generation module (50b396b)
- read inputs from GitHub inputs instead of CLI (30ac759)
- saving permit to database (aecd4e1)
- untested class to get all information (f5104e1)
- untested class to get all information (a86c62f)
- updated jest test workflow (a69f8d9)
- updated jest test workflow (834f821)
Bug Fixes
- all tests pass (db1868e)
- ci: auth (e897fdb)
- cspell (890a4a4)
- cspell ignore words (1160614)
- fixed path for evm values (2f3c2ee)
- more characters are escaped (backtick, ampersand) to avoid display issues (550869c)
- permit generation is skipped if price label is missing (configurable) (d59cb0a)
- remove build action and changed trigger for Jest testing (146580e)
- skip on issue close not completed status (2c15e7c)
- test: resolve promises (9d57104)
- test: resolve promises (1d62274)
- types (c4ad907)