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[prototype] fsim interpreter #686

wants to merge 17 commits into
base: main
Choose a base branch
33 changes: 31 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/test.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,35 @@ jobs:
timeout-minutes: 6
run: sbt ++${{ matrix.scala }} "testOnly integration.**"

name: Benchmarks
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
scala: [ 2.13.10 ]
jvm: [ 8, 11, 20 ]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup Scala
uses: actions/setup-java@v3
distribution: 'adopt'
java-version: ${{ matrix.jvm }}
- name: Check for Warnings
run: sbt "project benchmark ; set ThisBuild / scalacOptions ++= Seq(\"-Xfatal-warnings\") ; compile"
- name: Check Formatting
run: sbt "project benchmark ; scalafmtCheckAll"
- name: Create JAR
run: sbt "project benchmark ; assembly"
- name: Run Benchmark
run: ./benchmark/ --bench=gcd_64 --sim=fsim
- name: Archive Flamegraph
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
if: matrix.jvm == 8
name: flamegraph
path: out.svg

name: sbt test on mac
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,7 +235,7 @@ jobs:
# When adding new jobs, please add them to `needs` below
name: "all tests passed"
needs: [test, doc, verilator, formal, formal-mac, icarus, test-mac, no-warn, integration-test]
needs: [test, doc, verilator, formal, formal-mac, icarus, test-mac, no-warn, integration-test, benchmarks]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- run: echo Success!
Expand All @@ -215,7 +244,7 @@ jobs:
# separate from a Scala versions build matrix to avoid duplicate publishing
# note: we do not require a warning check for publishing!
needs: [test, doc, verilator, formal, formal-mac, icarus, test-mac, test-treadle, integration-test]
needs: [test, doc, verilator, formal, formal-mac, icarus, test-mac, test-treadle, integration-test, benchmarks]
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
if: github.event_name == 'push'

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,3 +20,8 @@
# Synopsys Verdi

# JVM Profiling
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions benchmark/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

# JVM Profiling
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions benchmark/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2023 The Regents of the University of California
# released under BSD 3-Clause License
# author: Kevin Laeufer <>
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess

# possible locations for Java 8
java_8_paths = [

_script_dir = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
jar_file = _script_dir / "benchmark.jar"
main_class = "fsim.Benchmark"
hprof = "-agentlib:hprof=cpu=samples,depth=100,interval=20,lineno=y,thread=y,file=out.hprof"

def get_jvm_major_version(java: str) -> int:
r =[java, "-version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out = r.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') + r.stderr.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
needle = 'version "'
for line in out:
if needle in line:
numbers = [int(n) for n in line.split(needle)[1].split('.')[0:2]]
if numbers[0] == 1:
return numbers[1]
return numbers[0]
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected version output:\n" + '\n'.join(out))

def try_to_find_java_8() -> str:
for path in java_8_paths:
path = Path(path).resolve()
if path.exists() and path.is_file():
version = get_jvm_major_version(str(path))
if version == 8:
return str(path)
print(f"{path} points to Java {version}")
print(f"{path} does not exist")
return "java"

hprof_2_flamegraph = _script_dir / "hprof2flamegraph"
hprof_2_flamegraph_repo = ""
def get_hprof_2_flamegraph() -> Path:
if not hprof_2_flamegraph.exists():
# clone
cmd = ['git', 'clone', hprof_2_flamegraph_repo, str(hprof_2_flamegraph.resolve())], check=True)
assert hprof_2_flamegraph.exists()
return hprof_2_flamegraph

def run_hprof_2_flamegraph(out: Path) -> Path:
script = get_hprof_2_flamegraph() / ""
collapsed = Path("out-folded.txt")
with open(collapsed, 'wb') as ff:[str(script.resolve()), str(out.resolve())], stdout=ff, check=True)
assert collapsed.exists()
return collapsed

flamegraph_dir = _script_dir / "FlameGraph"
flamegraph_repo = ""
def get_flamegraph() -> Path:
if not flamegraph_dir.exists():
# clone
cmd = ['git', 'clone', flamegraph_repo, str(flamegraph_dir.resolve())], check=True)
assert flamegraph_dir.exists()
return flamegraph_dir

def run_flamegraph(collapsed: Path) -> Path:
script = get_flamegraph() / ""
svg = Path("out.svg")
with open(svg, 'wb') as ff:[str(script.resolve()), str(collapsed.resolve())], stdout=ff, check=True)
assert svg.exists()
return svg

def convert_hprof_out(out: Path):
assert out.exists(), f"{out} does not exists"
collapsed = run_hprof_2_flamegraph(out)
svg = run_flamegraph(collapsed)
# cleanup
return svg

def main():
assert jar_file.exists(), f"{jar_file} not found. Did you run sbt assembly?"

do_profile = True

java = try_to_find_java_8() if do_profile else "java"
version = get_jvm_major_version(java)
cmd = ["-cp", jar_file, main_class]
if do_profile:
if version == 8:
cmd = [hprof] + cmd
print(f"WARN: we currently only support profiling with JVM 8, but you are running {version}")[java] + cmd + sys.argv[1:])

if do_profile and version == 8:
svg = convert_hprof_out(Path("out.hprof"))
print(f"Wrote flame graph to {svg}")

if __name__ == '__main__':
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions benchmark/src/fsim/Benchmark.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
// Copyright 2023 The Regents of the University of California
// released under BSD 3-Clause License
// author: Kevin Laeufer <>

package fsim

import firrtl2.options.Dependency
import firrtl2.stage.{FirrtlSourceAnnotation, Forms}
import scopt.OptionParser
import treadle2.TreadleTester

case class Config(benches: Seq[String], sim: String, warmupRun: Int, repsRun: Int)

class ArgumentParser extends OptionParser[Config]("synthesizer") {
head("fsim benchmark", "0.1")
opt[String]("bench").required().action((a, config) => config.copy(benches = config.benches :+ a))
opt[String]("sim").action((a, config) => config.copy(sim = a))
opt[Int]("warmup").action((a, config) => config.copy(warmupRun = a))
opt[Int]("reps").action((a, config) => config.copy(repsRun = a))

case class Bench(
name: String,
getCircuit: String => String,
runTest: Simulation => Unit,
runTreadleTest: TreadleTester => Unit)
case class Result(nsCompile: Long, nsRun: Long, steps: Int)
object Benchmark {
val Benches = Seq(
Bench("gcd_16", _ => GCDBench.circuitSrc(16), GCDBench.fsimTest(_, 10, 500), GCDBench.treadleTest(_, 10, 500)),
Bench("gcd_44", _ => GCDBench.circuitSrc(44), GCDBench.fsimTest(_, 10, 500), GCDBench.treadleTest(_, 10, 500)),
Bench("gcd_64", _ => GCDBench.circuitSrc(64), GCDBench.fsimTest(_, 10, 500), GCDBench.treadleTest(_, 10, 500))

private val DefaultConfig = Config(benches = Seq(), sim = "fsim", warmupRun = 1, repsRun = 1)

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val parser = new ArgumentParser()
val conf = parser.parse(args, DefaultConfig).get
conf.benches.foreach { benchName =>
val bench =
Benches.find( == benchName).getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"Unknown benchmark: $benchName"))
val res = runBench(conf, bench)
printResult(, conf.sim, res)


def printResult(bench: String, sim: String, res: Result): Unit = {
s"${bench} on ${sim}: " +
s"${secondString(res.nsRun)}, ${res.steps} cycles, ${freqString(res.nsRun, res.steps)}, " +
s"${secondString(res.nsCompile)} to compile"

private def secondString(ns: Long): String = {
val elapsedSeconds = ns.toDouble / Giga

private val Kilo: Double = 1000.0
private val Mega: Double = 1000000.0
private val Giga: Double = 1000000000.0
private def freqString(ns: Long, steps: Int): String = {
val elapsedSeconds = ns.toDouble / Giga
val hz = steps.toDouble / elapsedSeconds
if (hz > Giga) {
f"${hz / Giga}%.6fGHz"
} else if (hz > Mega) {
f"${hz / Mega}%.6fMHz"
} else if (hz > Kilo) {
f"${hz / Kilo}%.6fkHz"
} else {

def runBench(conf: Config, bench: Bench): Result = {
val src = bench.getCircuit(conf.sim)
conf.sim match {
case "fsim" => runFSimBench(conf, bench, src)
case "treadle" => runTreadleBench(conf, bench, src)
case other => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unsupported simulator: $other")

private def runFSimBench(conf: Config, bench: Bench, src: String): Result = {
val compileStart = System.nanoTime()
val sim = new Simulation(
val compileEnd = System.nanoTime()
for (_ <- 0 until conf.warmupRun) {
val runtimeAndSteps = (0 until conf.repsRun).map { _ =>
val startCycles = sim.getStepCount
val testStart = System.nanoTime()
val testEnd = System.nanoTime()
val steps = sim.getStepCount - startCycles
(testEnd - testStart, steps)
val nsRun = / runtimeAndSteps.length
val steps = runtimeAndSteps.head._2
Result(nsCompile = compileEnd - compileStart, nsRun = nsRun, steps = steps)

private def runTreadleBench(conf: Config, bench: Bench, src: String): Result = {
val compileStart = System.nanoTime()
val tester = TreadleTester(Seq(FirrtlSourceAnnotation(src)))
val compileEnd = System.nanoTime()
for (_ <- 0 until conf.warmupRun) {
val runtimeAndSteps = (0 until conf.repsRun).map { _ =>
val startCycles = tester.cycleCount.toInt
val testStart = System.nanoTime()
val testEnd = System.nanoTime()
val steps = tester.cycleCount.toInt - startCycles
(testEnd - testStart, steps)
val nsRun = / runtimeAndSteps.length
val steps = runtimeAndSteps.head._2
Result(nsCompile = compileEnd - compileStart, nsRun = nsRun, steps = steps)

object FirrtlCompiler {
private val loFirrtlCompiler =
new firrtl2.stage.transforms.Compiler(Seq(Dependency[firrtl2.LowFirrtlEmitter]) ++ Forms.LowFormOptimized)
def toLow(src: String): = {
val hi = firrtl2.Parser.parse(src)
val lo = loFirrtlCompiler.execute(firrtl2.CircuitState(hi))