CREECelerator is a collection of composable and modular hardware accelerators for compression, AES encryption, and Reed-Solomon codes (ECC) implemented in Chisel. The accelerators can be arbitrarily composed and can interface with a host to provide both OS-invisible or filesystem-aware storage acceleration capabilities.
This repo contains generic implementations of compression (RLE), encryption (AES), and error-correcting code (Reed Solomon) blocks. They are integrated together using a simple custom bus called CREECBus.
This pipeline is integrated with Rocket-chip based on the ucb-bar project template.
Support for transaction level modeling and verification is a key component in CREECBus.
Synthesis has been tested for the Xilinx VC707 using Hammer.
This project was completed by Bob Zhou, Kyle Kovacs, Vighnesh Iyer, and Tan Nguyen for the Fall 2018 offering of EE290C at UC Berkeley. The goal of this class was to implement various hardware processors using Chisel generators for agile system-on-a-chip design. Our project focuses on hardware acceleration of data storage enhancements and modeling those blocks for design exploration.
git clone
cd fa18-smartnic
git submodule update --init --recursive
# Clean local ivy package cache of chisel/firrtl JARs
rm -rf ~/.ivy2/local/edu.berkeley.cs/firrtl*
rm -rf ~/.ivy2/local/edu.berkeley.cs/chisel*
cd firrtl
sbt "compile; +publishLocal"
cd ../chisel3
sbt "compile; +publishLocal"
At the top level of fa18-smartnic
, run sbt compile
and sbt test
You can also use sbt testOnly
to run specific tests.
Many of our full pipeline tests require large amounts of memory (> 1GB). We recommend setting SBT's memory limit to
2GB or more using sbt -mem 2048
We have integrated the CREECelerator pipelines to the Rocket-chip infrastructure in a similar manner to the CORDIC lab. The pipelines communicate with the host processor via separate AXI4-Stream queues and memory-mapped registers. The CREECelerator pipelines with Rocket-chip can be compiled to a Verilator-based executable.
They can be made using the Makefile in the verisim
directory. Running make debug
will produce executables that can provide waveform dumps.
To build the pipelines, run make MODEL=TestHarness
A basic C test can be found in the tests
directory. creec.riscv
is a combined test for the write and read pipelines. It can be compiled to riscv
test stimuli using make from the tests
which can then be run using the generated executable. Compilation requires a shell path to riscv-tools,
which is included in the project template described above.
cd $PROJECT_DIR/tests/
cd $PROJECT_DIR/verisim/
make MODEL=TestHarness
./simulator-freechips.rocketchip.system-DefaultConfig ../tests/creec.riscv
Hammer setup files exist as a submodule in this project.
Setup the path to Vivado installation on your machine in the file config/
To change the clock constraint (or add new constraint), modify the file config/constraint.xdc
. Note that we do not use config/clocks.json
To select an FPGA, use one of the YAML files in the config
folder. For example, to use the VC707 FPGA, use "VC707" as FPGANAME
in the run command.
To synthesize a Verilog file with Hammer (Vivado logic synthesis), use the following command:
./ {path/to/verilog_file.v} {FPGANAME}
The timing and area report will be generated inside the directory out_{verilog_top_module}_{FPGANAME}
- Differential + Run-Length (De)Compressor (design doc, testing doc)
- AES128 (De)Encryptor (design doc, testing doc)
- Reed-Solomon ECC (De)Encoder (design doc, testing doc)
- Bus Interconnect and Bus Components (design doc)
Go here for details on the transaction-level modeling framework, the design and testing of software models, and how to use transaction stimulus to drive RTL simulation
Go here for details on the top-level CREECelerator
which chains together the compression -> encryption -> ECC blocks and gives an overview of top-level testing.
- Compression: source in
, tests insrc/test/scala/compression
. - AES Encryptor: source in
, tests insrc/test/scala/aes
. - ECC: source in
, tests are insrc/test/scala/ecc
. - Bus Specification and Components, Verification Infrastructure, Top-Level CREECelerator: source in
, tests are insrc/test/scala/interconnect
This project can be compiled and tested with mill instead of sbt with a few caveats.
You still need to use sbt to +publishLocal
the firrtl and chisel3 submodules first. This is only done once.
I'm using mill version 0.3.4. Install with:
sudo sh -c '(echo "#!/usr/bin/env sh" && curl -L > /usr/local/bin/mill && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mill'
You can ask mill what tasks it can perform with mill resolve _
, then mill resolve creec._
. Try running mill creec.compile
Notice that creec
can be cross-built to scala 2.12.4 or 2.11.12. Building for scala 2.12 is the default. You can make this explicit with mill creec[2.12.4].compile
Mill can watch for file changes for running any task and update if any changes are seen. mill -w creec[2.12.4].compile
Testing is a bit of an issue with mill. Scalatest doesn't support providing a specific test suite or test to run from its test runner main class, and instead relies on some special hooks in sbt.
As a result, it is preferred to use uTest
to run tests using mill. See src/test/scala/interconnect/CREECPassthroughTest.scala
for an example.
To run all uTest
tests use mill creec[2.12.4].test
, and to run a specific test use mill creec[2.12.4].test interconnect.CREECPassthroughTest.produceOutput
You can use the -w
watch command for tests as well.