A web application designed in Microsoft Visual Studio C# language called Print-My T-Shirt. The app allows the user to choose size, colour, text, image, t-shirt style, or just choose from a pre-customise list. The site consists of 7 pages Default, About, Products, Findus, Register, Login, My Order. The personal user and order details stored in tables on Microsoft SQL server and query statements created.
The following steps wiil tell you what things you need to install the software and how to install them.
SQL Server Management Studio
ASP.NET for Windows: Windows ASP.NET
ASP.NET for Mac: Mac ASP.NET
ASP.NET for Linux: Linux ASP.NET
SQL Server Management Studio : Download SSMS
After installing all the requirements download the files and open them is ASP.NET and run the system.
- Author-name: Michael Brennan
- Author-email: michael.brennan1@ucdconnect.com
- Github-username: MichaelBrennan83
- Copyright: 2017 Michael Brennan
- Category: Development
This Project was developed as part of my college assigmnet, can be used for any person looking to start a small business or to help someone working on a similar project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License