This is the open-access course module documentation system that provides, presentation, online and offline multiple resource from single data-source. Markdown provided content is converted to several resources and directly provided to student.
Github Pages is used for hosting. and Github/Git is used for documentation version management. Each course can be linked each other with homepage links.
Lecturers can use markdown editors to update their content and then easily publish to Github Pages with Google Analytics Support.
I used this my courses to make my and student life a bit easy. You can use similar templates for your courses. This is a combination of several tools.
git / github
Install Git and Git Extension Tools
You can install Git GUI from Git - GUI Clients I prefer to use git extension Git Extensions | Git Extensions is a standalone UI tool for managing Git repositories and TortoiseGit – Windows Shell Interface to Git
Also Download KDiff3 KDiff3 - Browse Files at
These extensions provide GUI for git operations to make process easier.
I recommend my course notes for this
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I - RTEU CE103 Algorithms and Programming-I Course Notes
Fork or Update Remote for Your Course, Also you can rename repository name
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I - RTEU CE103 Algorithms and Programming-I Course Notes
Run run_mkdocs_required_app_install.bat as admin. (I tried this on Windows) this will install required applications for you. There will several confirmation just select A [All] to complete installation.
@echo off
@setlocal enableextensions
Powershell.exe Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
rem Take advantage of "start" spawning a new instance of a process.
start cmd /C choco install pandoc
start cmd /C choco install rsvg-convert
start cmd /C choco install miktex
rem We need newer version of App Installer to get winget functionality.
rem We presume that the person has installed the latest updates.
winget install python
rem Aligned with latest revision of Scoop documentation and PowerShell
rem syntaxing.
Powershell.exe iex \"& {$(irm} -RunAsAdmin\"
Powershell.exe Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
start cmd /C scoop install curl
start cmd /C scoop install marp
pip install mkdocs
pip install pymdown-extensions
pip install mkdocs-material
pip install mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin
pip install mkdocs-minify-plugin
pip install mkdocs-static-i18n
pip install mkdocs-with-pdf
pip install qrcode
pip install mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin
pip install pptx2md
Download and Install
Editor View
You can open any markdown file and edit directly on this app.
Download and Install visual studio code
We are using presentation platform and it has extension for real-time presentation editing on vs-code
After visual studio installation enter the course-note-template folder and right click then select open with code
Select extensions or CTRL+SHIFT+X
will help you to open extension list and write marp in search textbox
Install Marp for VS Code
Select Manage By Clicking Gear Icon
Update your config as follow and enable HTML
after installation open markdown files in the folders these will be your content
On the right top of the screen you will find extension button click it to enable preview
After enabling preview you will see your markdown as presentation and if you edit your markdown content will be automatically updated
Untill this step you just finished to edit content for presentation and normal documentation.
Open mkdocs.yml and update following for your web page
Webpage name
site_name: RTEU Course Notes Templates
Webpage Author and URL on Github Pages
site_author: 'Asst. Prof. Dr. Uğur CORUH'
site_url: ''
Site Description on Homepage, in normal configuration there was single site_description
for Turkish and English I duplicated configuration and checked in homepage.html
site_description_en: >-
Course Notes Templates
site_description_tr: >-
Ders Notu Şablonu
Github Repo of Webpage
repo_url: ''
Copyright Owner
# Copyright
copyright: Copyright © 2019 - 2022 Asst. Prof. Dr. Uğur CORUH
Theme Color, select primary and accent color for light and dark theme
You can use following link to select color Changing the colors - Material for MkDocs
- scheme: default
primary: lime
accent: lime
icon: material/toggle-switch
name: Switch to dark mode
- scheme: slate
primary: blue grey
accent: blue grey
icon: material/toggle-switch-off-outline
name: Switch to light mode
Your icon in docs/images/favicon.png
and font if you need
text: Roboto
code: Roboto Mono
favicon: images/favicon.png
logo: logo
#logo: assets/images/favicon.png
Also you can set your google analytics key in github repository as a SECRET and on your local computer as environment parameter and use in configuraton
# Customization
provider: google
Update your social links if you do not have delete related links
- icon: fontawesome/brands/github
- icon: fontawesome/brands/bitbucket
- icon: fontawesome/regular/compass
- icon: fontawesome/regular/id-card
- icon: fontawesome/brands/docker
- icon: fontawesome/brands/orcid
- icon: fontawesome/brands/linkedin
- icon: fontawesome/regular/moon
- icon: fontawesome/brands/google
- icon: fontawesome/regular/clipboard
- icon: fontawesome/regular/user-circle
Your web page default language and default language force setting can be set via Github SECRET as follow. Set DEFAULT_LANGUAGE
on your github repository.
- search
- i18n:
default_language: !ENV [DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, "en"]
default_language_only: !ENV [DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_ONLY, false]
Select your languages, if you change languages you should change site_description_en
and site_description_tr
name: Default (en)
build: true
name: English
build: true
site_name: "RTEU Course Notes Templates (en)"
name: Türkçe
build: true
site_name: "RTEU Ders Notu Şablonu (tr)"
First Generate your Page Tree
# Page tree
- Home:
- Syllabus: syllabus/
- Course Modules:
- Week-1 (Sample-1): week-1/
- Week-2 (Sample-2): week-2/
- Week-3 (Sample-3): week-3/
- Week-4 (Sample-4): week-4/
- Week-5 (Sample-5): week-5/
- Week-6 (Sample-6): week-6/
- Week-7 (Sample-7): week-7/
- Week-8 (Midterm): week-8/
- Week-9 (Sample-9): week-9/
- Week-10 (Sample-10): week-10/
- Week-11 (Sample-11): week-11/
- Week-12 (Sample-12): week-12/
- Week-13 (Sample-13): week-13/
- Week-14 (Sample-14): week-14/
- Week-15 (Sample-15): week-15/
- Week-16 (Final): week-16/
- License:
- Changelog: changelog/
Then add your translation to configuration for each menu item
Home: 'Ana Sayfa'
Syllabus: 'Ders İzlencesi'
Course Modules: 'Ders Modülleri'
Week-1 (Sample-1): 'Hafta-1 (Örnek-1)'
Week-2 (Sample-2): 'Hafta-2 (Örnek-1)'
Week-3 (Sample-3): 'Hafta-3 (Örnek-1)'
Week-4 (Sample-4): 'Hafta-4 (Örnek-1)'
Week-5 (Sample-5): 'Hafta-5 (Örnek-1)'
Week-6 (Sample-6): 'Hafta-6 (Örnek-1)'
Week-7 (Sample-7): 'Hafta-7 (Örnek-1)'
Week-8 (Midterm): 'Hafta-8 (Vize)'
Week-9 (Sample-9): 'Hafta-9 (Örnek-1)'
Week-10 (Sample-10): 'Hafta-10 (Örnek-1)'
Week-11 (Sample-11): 'Hafta-11 (Örnek-1)'
Week-12 (Sample-12): 'Hafta-12 (Örnek-1)'
Week-13 (Sample-13): 'Hafta-13 (Örnek-1)'
Week-14 (Sample-14): 'Hafta-14 (Örnek-1)'
Week-15 (Sample-15): 'Hafta-15 (Örnek-1)'
Week-16 (Final): 'Hafta-16 (Final)'
License: 'Lisans'
Changelog: 'Geçmiş'
You can check markdown syntax if you do not have any idea
But marktext app will help you to create documentation for your content.
Dividing content into slides done by ---
characters and you can easily copy-paste images on the marktext app but there is a problem about folders. You need to update image links as follow for assets folder.

Otherwise your content won't be seen on webpage.
Before Updating Image Links
After Updating Image Links
Recommendation : Use MarktextApp + VSCode at the same time for same markdown file and just focus on presentation preparation, then other content will be also good for web page.
There is samples on markdown files.
There will be two markdown file for each content named for example for English content for Turkish content you need to update them or translate them.
For figures I use plantuml and drawio.
You can draw your content on drawio and then you can export as SVG to assets folders and then you can give link in markdown file. If you update drawio content and export with same name then you won't need to update link also. Some complex figures can be provided via plantuml and in assets folder just create *.uml files then run run_plantuml_for_svg_export.bat file to process this uml files as SVG if you write links in your markdown content will be automatically updated after each update and process.
There is several types of outputs for content
HTML presentation system used as iframe and published with webpage as follow. You do not any tool for presentation you can directly use it.
Students can download same content as PDF, PPTX and DOCX with links
In each week there is a bat file named
@echo off
@setlocal enableextensions
@cd /d "%~dp0"
for %%# in (* do set "file_name=%%~nx#"
echo file found "%file_name%"
Powershell.exe marp %file_name% --html --pdf -o %file_name%_slide.pdf --allow-local-files
Powershell.exe marp %file_name% --html -o %file_name%_slide.html --allow-local-files
Powershell.exe marp %file_name% --pptx -o %file_name%_slide.pptx --allow-local-files
rem call Powershell.exe pandoc %file_name% --pdf-engine=xelatex -V colorlinks -V urlcolor=NavyBlue -V toccolor=Red --toc -N -o %file_name%_doc.pdf
Powershell.exe pandoc %file_name% --pdf-engine=xelatex -f markdown-implicit_figures -V colorlinks -V urlcolor=NavyBlue -V toccolor=Red --toc -N -o %file_name%_doc.pdf
Powershell.exe pandoc -o %file_name%_word.docx -f markdown -t docx %file_name%
Powershell.exe pandoc -o %file_name%_word.pptx -f markdown -t pptx %file_name%
for %%# in (* do set "file_name=%%~nx#"
echo file found "%file_name%"
Powershell.exe marp %file_name% --html --pdf -o %file_name%_slide.pdf --allow-local-files
Powershell.exe marp %file_name% --html -o %file_name%_slide.html --allow-local-files
Powershell.exe marp %file_name% --pptx -o %file_name%_slide.pptx --allow-local-files
rem call Powershell.exe pandoc %file_name% --pdf-engine=xelatex -V colorlinks -V urlcolor=NavyBlue -V toccolor=Red --toc -N -o %file_name%_doc.pdf
Powershell.exe pandoc %file_name% --pdf-engine=xelatex -f markdown-implicit_figures -V colorlinks -V urlcolor=NavyBlue -V toccolor=Red --toc -N -o %file_name%_doc.pdf
Powershell.exe pandoc -o %file_name%_word.docx -f markdown -t docx %file_name%
Powershell.exe pandoc -o %file_name%_word.pptx -f markdown -t pptx %file_name%
If you run this file it use marp and pandoc to generate output files for several markdown files. In this sample I just duplicated export operation for Turkish and English md files but there can be better way of this. This conversion takes a bit time for these reason I just converted what I modified. So there is multiple files in each week.
Run run_mkdocs_for_local_testing.bat to start local server for testing you can easily see content. Run as admin.
@echo off
@setlocal enableextensions
@cd /d "%~dp0"
mkdocs serve
Right click to repository folder and select git-extension and select commit
Click Stage-All
and Write Your Commit Then Click Commit&Push
Run run_mkdocs_for_githubpages_publish.bat This will run following commands
@echo off
@setlocal enableextensions
@cd /d "%~dp0"
mkdocs gh-deploy --force
and push your content to remote repository and start a deployment action. After deployment completed you can easily access your web page from your link
site_url: '
In each week you will find convert-pptx2md.bat file this file use GitHub - ssine/pptx2md: a pptx to markdown converter to convert pptx to markdown. It convert 80% of presentation but you need to divide pages and modify your content. Also you need to update image links in for assets.
@echo off
@setlocal enableextensions
@cd /d "%~dp0"
for %%# in (*.pptx) do set "file_name=%%~nx#"
echo file found %file_name%
rem python 3.6-3.9 is required for pptx2md set PATH variable
Powershell.exe pptx2md --disable-escaping ./%file_name% -o ./ -i ./assets
This extension works with python 3.6-3.9 You need to install python 3.9 and then you need to update PATH to run for 3.9. Normal bat file installation update python 3.10 or latest.
Python Release Python 3.9.0 |
Run run_mkdocs_reset_update_app_install.bat but it will re-install apps for you
@echo off
@setlocal enableextensions
@cd /d "%~dp0"
Powershell.exe Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Powershell.exe choco install pandoc --force --force-dependencies
Powershell.exe choco install rsvg-convert --force --force-dependencies
Powershell.exe choco install python --force --force-dependencies
Powershell.exe choco install miktex --force --force-dependencies
Powershell.exe Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
Powershell.exe Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
Powershell.exe scoop install curl
Powershell.exe scoop update curl
Powershell.exe scoop install marp
Powershell.exe scoop update marp
pip install mkdocs
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstal pymdown-extensions
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstal mkdocs-material
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstal mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstal mkdocs-minify-plugin
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstal mkdocs-static-i18n
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstal mkdocs-with-pdf
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstal qrcode
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstal mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin
pip install --upgrade pptx2md
Changing the language - Material for MkDocs
Create beautiful and localized documentations and websites using MkDocs + Github - Ultrabug
GitHub - ultrabug/mkdocs-static-i18n: MkDocs i18n plugin using static translation markdown files
GitHub - ultrabug/mkdocs-static-i18n: MkDocs i18n plugin using static translation markdown files
MkDocs static i18n plugin demo
GitHub - orzih/mkdocs-with-pdf: Generate a single PDF file from MkDocs repository.
mkdocs-with-pdf/document.pdf at master · orzih/mkdocs-with-pdf · GitHub
mkdocs-with-pdf/samples/mkdocs-material at master · orzih/mkdocs-with-pdf · GitHub
Template Designer Documentation — Jinja Documentation (3.1.x)
comparisons expression | Jinja Compat Tests
Template Designer Documentation — Jinja Documentation (3.0.x)