Tests were created through the Google Tests development suite. To run the GoogleTests for PPALMS, run the following command on a linux terminal in the project directory:
make UnitTests
Then run one of the following:
./UnitTests <test_suite>
The first line will run all possible tests, while the second will run tests for a given class by replacing <test_suite> with one of the following options:
Run the following line on a linux terminal in the project directory:
./PPALMS <file_path> <lms> <question_type> <mutations> <line_nums> ...
The first will run the system in the terminal and list relevant commands for use:
Welcome to PPALMS
path <file_path> Changes the current input file path
e.g., path: ./project.cpp
lms <lms> Changes the intended LMS target
(Canvas, Moodle, or Blackboard)
type <question_type> Changes question type to generate
(FITB, MC, or rearrange)
mutations <mutations> Changes number of question mutations
(Integer between 1 and 100)
lines <line_tuples> ... end Changes line tuples to generate from
e.g., lines: 1-2 6 9 45-48 end
Note: Must end with "end".
generate Generate questions with current settings
erase Erase all generated questions
export Exports saved questions to qti.txt
exit Exits PPALMS
You can change any of the settings while the system is running and continue to generate questions before exporting. Once all needed questions are generated, enterint the 'export' command will export them all into 'qti.txt' together. Therefore, the example general case of generating 100 each of two types of questions can be achieved through running the system through the terminal interface (./PPALMS).
The second command (./PPALMS <file_path> <question_type> <line_nums> ...) will run the system once and generate sets of questions using the given arguments.
Video Demonstration for Terminal Interfaces: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J8s6YkZBV-tSlraJa0MRqdsTjmIXbCTm/view?usp=share_link
The 'provided.txt' file is there as an example but any valid file consisting of text will work with PPALMS. 'provided.txt' has been included to show line numbers but any other file used will not show line numbers in the questions generated.
The GUI version of PPALMS can be accessed in the /gui/PPALMS directory. It has its own relevant README and instructions for building there.