Randomly generates a mixture of 5 different Shakesprean sonnets "shooken up" by title, octave, and sestet.
The objective of this Codecademy portfolio project is to build a Node.js console app that generates random messages each time a user runs the program and to version the project with Git/GitHub.
I decided to combine my love of literature, in this case Shakespeare, with this project. I have chosen 5 different sonnets (i.e., Sonnets 127, 75, 65, 3, 55) and divided each into (1) sonnet title, (2) the octave, or first 8 lines of each sonnet, and (3) the sestet, the last 6 lines of each sonnet. A mixed or "shooken up" sonnet will be randomly returned to the user.
Technologies used in the creation of this project:
- Javascript ES6
- Git and Github (and staging/commiting/pushing using VS Code)
To run this project: download the mixed-messages directory locally, access the mixed-messages directory in the terminal, and run node script.js as desired to recieve jumbled sonnets.
$ cd ../mixed-messages
$ node script.js