This project intends to use the ESP32-based WT32-ETH01 board together with a tpLink Homeplug modem containing an AR7420, to build the vehicle side of a CCS charging system for electrical cars.
The basis of this port is the python-variant in
- After fixing several topics regarding the NeighborSolicitation, the SDP succeeds, and we come to the charging loop on alpitronics hypercharger.
- The three-line-OLED display (see shows the charging progress.
- Simulated charging works with simulated EVSE (Win10, pyPlc).
- The main crash reason was a heap leakage because receive buffer was not free'd. This is fixed.
- Sporadically still crashes:
panic'ed (Unhandled debug exception). Debug exception reason: Stack canary watchpoint triggered (emac_rx)
With simulated EVSE (Win10, pyPlc) on the opposite end, the WT32-ETH01 makes the SLAC, SDP, NeighborDiscovery, TCP and the charging state machine. It runs until the charging loop. Unfortunately, the controller is not really stable. Several ethernet issues are visible:
- Sometimes the eth raises
. - Sporadically we get
emac_esp32_transmit(229): insufficient TX buffer size
- Often
esp.emac: no mem for receive buffer
- Sporadically a complete crash:
panic'ed (Unhandled debug exception). Debug exception reason: Stack canary watchpoint triggered (emac_rx)
Initial Arduino sketch, which is able to send and receive HomePlug messages on the Ethernet port of the WT-ETH01. Debug console is the Arduino IDE, via the RX0/TX0, which are also used for programming. As test, the sketch sends GetSoftwareVersion requests and shows the related responses on the debug console.
- much faster startup time (2s) compared to the Raspberry or Notebook
- much less current consumption compared to the Raspberry or Notebook
- more compact design
- no log file for offline analysis
[x] porting of all required homeplug stuff from python to C. [x] porting the SLAC state machine [ ] porting the Syslog message transmission [x] porting the UDP and SDP [x] integrating TCP [x] integrating the EXI decoder/encoder [x] porting the pev state machine