Call remote methods through message-based communication (for sandboxed iframes etc)
It allows you to handle postMessage-based communication in more intuitive ways than using window.postMessage
- Abstracts postMessage-based communication to method calls
- Does not depend on initialization timing
automatically detects the initialization of the opposite side and establishes communication (like the 3-way handshake)
- Simpler implementation than
- Supports any sort of message-based communication
- iframes, web workers, Electron IPC, VS Code webviews, etc
import { setup, windowEndpoint, Remote } from "remote-methods";
const targetIframe = document.querySelector("iframe")!;
const api: MainAPI = {
mainGreet(name: string): string {
return `mainGreet: Hello, ${name}`;
async mainGreetAsync(name: string): Promise<string> {
return `mainGreetAsync: Hello, ${name}`;
const sandboxAPI: Remote<SandboxAPI> = setup<SandboxAPI>(
console.log(await sandboxAPI.sandboxGreet("Main"));
console.log(await sandboxAPI.sandboxGreetAsync("Main"));
import { setup, windowEndpoint, Remote } from "remote-methods";
const api: SandboxAPI = {
sandboxGreet(name: string): string {
return `sandboxGreet: Hello, ${name}`;
async sandboxGreetAsync(name: string): Promise<string> {
return `sandboxGreetAsync: Hello, ${name}`;
const mainAPI: Remote<MainAPI> = setup<MainAPI>(
console.log(await mainAPI.mainGreet("Sandbox"));
console.log(await mainAPI.mainGreetAsync("Sandbox"));
export interface SandboxAPI {
sandboxGreet(name: string): string;
sandboxGreetAsync(name: string): Promise<string>;
export interface MainAPI {
mainGreet(name: string): string;
mainGreetAsync(name: string): Promise<string>;
interface Endpoint {
addEventListener(listener: (data: any) => void): () => void;
postMessage(data: any): void;
import { Endpoint } from "remote-methods";
const myEndpoint: Endpoint = {
addEventListener(listener: (data: any) => void): () => void {
return disposeFunction
postMessage(data: any): void {
const remoteAPI = setup<RemoteAPI>(api, myEndpoint);
- Disconnecting
- Support callbacks
- Transferables