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This repository is the source code of, an online service that helps you generate invoices, send them to your clients and receive payments. Contributions to this project are welcome.

Installation is built with PHP and MongoDB, so make sure you have those installed in your development environment. If your contribution requires testing mailing or payment systems, you will need to set up a Mailgun and a Stripe account as well.

Assuming you have current versions of PHP and MongoDB in your system already, you need to clone the code and install dependencies. uses composer and bower for dependency management.

If you don't have composer already, you can follow this installation guide.

Javascript and CSS dependencies can be installed using Bower. It is not necessary to install JS and CSS dependencies in order to run the application, since the assets are compiled into minified assets as part of the development process.

$ git clone
$ cd invoice-to
$ composer install

Production keys of services that uses are not in the code. Instead system receives them from environment variables.

You will need to set up environment variables listed below:

  • MONGODB_URI that is used by mongodb driver to connect the DB. Example: mongodb:// If your database requires username and password, include them in the URI as well. Example: mongodb://username:password@
  • STRIPE_SECRET_KEY and STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY are keys necessary for Stripe to work. You can get those API keys from your Stripe account.
  • MAILGUN_KEY and MAILGUN_DOMAIN are given to you when you set up a Mailgun account. It is free to send 10.000 mails every month so a free account should be enough to test your developments.


You can set up development environment for either using Apache, PHP and MongoDB installed on your machine, or using Docker.

Using Docker

Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed.

Set the environment variables in docker-compose.yml and run the containers:

$ docker-compose up

Using local Apache, PHP and MongoDB

Setting up local development environment requires you to install MongoDB. This link explains how to do it in Mac OS X. If you already have Homebrew installed on your system you can simply type brew install mongodb on your terminal to have it installed. After that, MongoDB has to be started. MongoDB needs you to specify a folder to store its data. Tutorial suggests /data/db path. So basically you need to create that folder and type sudo mongod --dbpath /data/db.

Now you need to set up Apache. Mac OS X comes with apachectl. You can type sudo apachectl start on terminal to start running it. You need to configure virtual hosts. Add following code to /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "<DIRECTORY_LOCATION>"

    SetEnv MONGODB_URI ""
    SetEnv STRIPE_SECRET_KEY "<your_stripe_secret_key>"
    SetEnv STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY "<your_stripe_publishable_key>"
    SetEnv MAILGUN_KEY "<your_mailgun_key>"
    SetEnv MAILGUN_DOMAIN "<your_mailgun_domain>"
    SetEnv PHP_ENV "development"

    <Directory "<DIRECTORY_LOCATION>">
         Order allow,deny
         Allow from all
         Require all granted
         AllowOverride All

Don't forget to replace <DIRECTORY_LOCATION> with the location of directory in your system. For example /srv/www/invoice-to. Then open up /etc/apache2/httpd.conf in your favourite text editor. You will find following line:

#LoadModule vhost_alias_module libexec/apache2/

Remove # letter at the beginning and save the file. Finally restart the Apache by typing sudo apachectl restart.

Building assets

All assets can be compiled using gulp. Make sure you compile the assets every time you make a change to either JS or CSS files.

$ npm install
$ bower install
$ gulp


Issue Contributions

Open an issue about anything you want to change in the product and let other contributors and the product owner discuss it. When opening new issues or commenting on existing issues on this repository please make sure discussions are related to concrete technical issues and/or ideas.

Code Contributions

You may want to accompany your issue with implementation or provide implementation for an existing issue.

This document will guide you through the contribution process.

Step 1: Fork

Fork the project on GitHub and check out your copy locally.

$ git clone<username>/invoice-to.git
$ cd invoice-to
$ git remote add upstream
Which branch?

For developing new features and bug fixes, the master branch should be pulled and built upon.

Dependencies has several dependencies in the css/ and the js/ directories. Any changes to files in those directories should be sent to their respective projects.

Step 2: Branch

Create a branch and start hacking:

$ git checkout -b my-branch -t origin/master

Step 3: Commit

Make sure git knows your name and email address:

$ git config --global "John Doe"
$ git config --global ""

Writing good commit logs is important. A commit log should describe what changed and why.

If your patch fixes an open issue, you can add a reference to it at the end of the log. Use the Fixes: prefix and the full issue URL. For example:


Step 4: Rebase

Use git rebase (not git merge) to sync your work from time to time.

$ git fetch upstream
$ git rebase upstream/master

Step 5: Push

$ git push origin my-branch

Go to<username>/invoice-to and select your branch. Click the Pull Request button and fill out the form.

Pull requests are usually reviewed within a few days. If there are comments to address, apply your changes in a separate commit and push that to your branch.


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