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Frontend rendering application for OMIS customer facing tasks

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Overseas Market Introduction Service (OMIS) frontend


An express application that fetches data from a JSON based API and handles the rendering and processing of forms and data.

In order to use the application the frontend layer must be run, with a small number of settings, and be provided with an API service.



  1. Clone repository:
git clone
  1. Install node dependencies:
nvm use 22.12.0
npm install
  1. Build assets
npm run build
  1. Run application
npm start


.env file

npm run develop command pre-loads local ENV variables from .env file (ignored by Git) before running development server. If you need to include local environment variables in development add them to .env file in the root of the app directory in the following format:


There's an .env.example with pre-populated development data including urls to the Content Store. It's set to use the file system if the Content Store is not available.

To use that, copy the file:

cp .env.sample .env

Run in development mode

You can run the server in develop mode. Develop mode auto restarts the node server if you make any changes to it and if you connect to the server using http://localhost:3001 this will use browser-sync to automatically show any changes instantly in the browser.

To run develop mode:

npm run develop

In addition you can build the code yourself:

npm run build

or lint the code for styleguide warnings and errors:

npm run lint

Running against a local API instance

It is possible to run the service against a local instance of the Data Hub API following these instructions. Note that you will need local copies of the DH API and Frontend. The frontend should be pointing to the local API instance rather than an external environment.

  1. Add the variables OMIS_PUBLIC_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OMIS_PUBLIC_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to the API's .env file (the values are in Vault). Once you have done this, bring up the API.
  2. Bring up the frontend, navigate to the 'Orders' tab and create an OMIS order.
  3. Add an 'Adviser in the market', set it as the lead adviser and add some estimated hours.
  4. Click on 'Preview quote' and complete the fields that show as incomplete (helpfully it won't tell you about any of the items from Step 3 being missing so that needs to be done first).
  5. When all fields are filled in, click 'Preview quote' again, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Send quote to client'.
  6. Create a copy of this project's .env file if you haven't already done this
cp .env.sample .env
  1. Open this project's .env file and make the following changes:
  • API_ROOT should be set to http://localhost:8000
  • API_CLIENT_HAWK_ACCESS_KEY_ID should be set to the same value as OMIS_PUBLIC_ACCESS_KEY_ID in the API
  • API_CLIENT_HAWK_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY should be set to the same value as OMIS_PUBLIC_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in the API
  • SERVER_PORT should be set to 4000 (this is because the API expects the OMIS service to be running on this port)
  1. Start this project with npm run develop. Note that the console will tell you that the service is running on port 3000 when it's actually running on 4000.
  2. Open up the API admin screen and navigate to the Orders interface. Open the order created in step 2 and click on the Public facing URL, which will open the order within this microservice.

Running against an external API

It is also possible to run this service against an external Data Hub enrivonment (such as dev/staging). You don't need to have any other DH projects running to do this.

  1. Create a copy of the .env file if you haven't already done this (use the command from step 7 above)
  2. Set the API_ROOT variable to the correct URL for the environment you want to use (you can get this from the playbook or from the DH frontend's .env file if you run that project in this manner).
  3. Set the API_CLIENT_HAWK_ACCESS_KEY_ID and API_CLIENT_HAWK_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with the correct values from Vault.
  4. Open the relevant frontend and follow steps 4-6 from the local API instructions to generate an order.
  5. Open the relevant Django Admin interface, navigate to your order and copy the public token.
  6. Start this project by running npm run develop. Paste the public token at the end of the URL (e.g. localhost:3000/your_token). You should now be able to interact with your order within the local frontend.

Running in Docker

Prerequisite: Ensure data-hub-api is sitting in the same directory as omis-frontend Open this project's .env file and make the following changes:

  • API_ROOT should be set to http://docker.for.mac.localhost:8000

Bring up the Dev environment

make start-dev          // bring up the omis frontend and api in docker
make stop-dev           // stop and remove the containers

Once the containers are up, go into the django admin: http://localhost:8000 and go the orders list. Click on an order and click the public facing url. This should take you to the Omis order in the browser.

Environment variables

Environment variables are used to set application level settings for each environment.

Variable Description Default
NODE_ENV Node environment development
SERVER_HOST server hostname localhost
SERVER_PORT or PORT server port 3000
SERVER_WORKERS or WEB_CONCURRENCY number of workers dependant on CPU
CACHE_VIEWS whether to cache Nunjucks views false
SESSION_SECRET secret used by session store
SESSION_TTL session expiration 2 hours
LOG_LEVEL level of logs to output to console warn
API_ROOT root for API http://localhost:8000
API_CLIENT_HAWK_ACCESS_KEY_ID hawk client access key id
API_CLIENT_HAWK_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY hawk client secret access key
SENTRY_DSN sentry data source name
GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER_KEY key for Google Tag Manager
GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER_SUFFIX value to append to Google Tag Manager key


Unit tests

Unit tests are located in ./src/test/. They are run using the Jasmine framework.

To run unit tests:

npm run test:unit

E2E tests

Tests can be run against the service running locally or when the service is running in Docker

To run them locally:

  1. Make sure the api is running, in the api project run docker-compose up
  2. In the .env file make sure API_ROOT=http://localhost:8000
  3. Start the omis frontend locally, npm run develop
  4. Run the tests in the command line with npm run test:e2e, or run them in the browser with npm run test:e2e:watch

To run them in docker:

  1. In the .env file make sure API_ROOT=http://docker.for.mac.localhost:8000
  2. Start the api and omis frontend in docker, make start-dev
  3. Run the tests in the command line with npm run test:e2e, or run them in the browser with npm run test:e2e:watch

Continuous integration

Tests and code linting are all run on CircleCI.

Note: When the e2e tests are running in CircleCI they use a docker image to run the api, that is hosted in Google Container Registry, so that we can get the orders to test against from the database. We don't appear to pulling down the latest api docker image. As it stands this shouldn't be a problem because the image being used will still seed the database with the orders to test against. However, if changes are made to the orders seed data for testing purposes, the api image used by omis will need to be updated to the most recent version.


Deployments to staging and production are done manually through Jenkins and are deployed from the master branch.

Please use the same process as the Data Hub frontend