A feature-rich Tic Tac Toe game built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project focuses on implementing solid gameplay mechanics, an engaging user experience, and adhering to clean code practices.
- Two-Player Mode: Play with a friend in real-time.
- Dynamic UI Updates: Real-time feedback for each player's turn.
- Audio Effects: Custom sounds for clicks, game start, and results.
- Game Restart and Replay: Options to reset the game or play again.
- Win, Lose, or Draw: Handles all outcomes with appropriate messages.
- Accessible Design: Aria labels and clear visual feedback ensure accessibility.
- Semantic elements to structure the game.
- Form handling for player name input.
- ARIA attributes for accessibility.
- Responsive design to ensure the game works across devices.
- Custom styling for the game board and interactive elements.
- Color theory applied for clear visual differentiation between players.
- Smooth transitions and hover effects for an engaging user experience.
- Modular code structure adhering to the SOLID principles.
- Event handling for dynamic gameplay interactions.
- Audio integration for enhancing user feedback.
- DOM manipulation for real-time updates.
- Logical implementation of game rules and win conditions.
User Interface (UI):
- Designed an intuitive game board layout.
- Clearly labeled buttons and inputs for a seamless experience.
- Visual cues like highlighting active cells and displaying current turns.
User Experience (UX):
- Implemented responsive design to cater to different screen sizes.
- Added meaningful audio cues to enhance engagement.
- Ensured accessibility through keyboard and screen reader support.
- Smooth animations and transitions for a polished feel.
The color palette was chosen for clarity and engagement:
- Primary Text: #EEEEEE (light gray for readability).
- Background: #030637 (dark blue for a focused and immersive environment).
- Game Board Background: #F0F8FF (light blue for contrast).
- Player X: #A64D7A1A (translucent pink for subtlety).
- Player O: #4D54A61A (translucent blue for subtlety).
- Hover Effect: #78A08324 (translucent green for interactivity).
- Buttons:
- Reset: #B8001F (red for urgency).
- Play Again: #384B70 (muted blue for neutrality).
- Enter the names of both players.
- Take turns clicking on cells to place your mark (X or O).
- The game announces the winner, loser, or a draw.
- Use the "Play Again" button to replay or "Reset" to start over with new names.
- Click Sounds: Different sounds for X and O.
- Game Start: Audio cue when the game begins.
- Game Over: Audio indicating the result.
- Play Again: Sound effect for replaying.
This project was built as part of a learning experience to master JavaScript, practice clean code principles, and enhance UI/UX design skills. Special thanks to all resources and inspirations along the way.