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UMA 2.13 RC 9

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@Jaimi Jaimi released this 19 Jul 13:21
· 55 commits to develop since this release

Final Fix for boneweight copies - Bone order was different from original slot, now matches based on bone hash.
Fixed recipes/materials for alternate races (High poly, elfs)
Additional error checking on AvatarDefinition creation
Reworked colors on AvatarDefinition
Fixed issue with color channels being reset in editor when less than 3 channels
Pass true on AvatarDefinition Creation from DCA editor to ignore default colors
Added Mesh Preview to SlotDataAsset inspector
Removed option to enable/disable coroutines path in generator
Added Default Renderer Asset to generator, so you can set the renderer defaults globally (will still be overriden by renderers assigned on the character)
Fixed check on isDefault on OverlayColorData
Removed some unneeded parameters on function calls in SkinnedMeshCombiner
Fixed materials on SkyCar
Updated sound mixer on Ragdoll example