Changes the registration and uploads logic on multisite.
The Ultimate Member plugin supports individual registration and individual uploads (profile photo, cover photo, etc.) for every site in the network. See UM in Multisite. This extension changes the registration and upload logic on multisite to use common registration and common uploads for all sites in the network.
- The extension automatically adds users who are registering on one site to all sites.
- The directory for user uploads is changed. All sites use a common directory. Photos uploaded on one site are used for all sites.
- The extension adds the "Multisite transfer users" widget to WordPress dashboard.
Open git bash, navigate to the plugins folder and execute this command:
git clone --branch=main um-multisite
Once the plugin is cloned, enter your site admin dashboard and go to wp-admin > Plugins > Installed Plugins. Find the Ultimate Member - Multisite plugin and click the Activate link.
You can install this plugin from the ZIP file as any other plugin. Follow this instruction.
The extension automatically syncs new users and their uploads across all sites in the network.
You can use a tool to sync old existing users and their uploads. Go to wp-admin > Dashboard > Home. You'll see the Multisite transfer users widget here. This widget contains two tools:
- The first tool transfers users and their uploads from site to site in the network.
- The second tool transfers users from the main site to all sites and copies users uploads from sites to the common uploads directory.
Go to the second tool and click the Sync button.
This is a free extension created for the community. The Ultimate Member team does not provide support for this extension. Open new issue if you are facing a problem or have a suggestion.
Give a star if you think this extension is useful. Thanks.
Ultimate Member core plugin info and download
Documentation for Ultimate Member
Official extensions for Ultimate Member