Mv-files is C script for moving files ends with particular suffix (extension) from one folder to the desired destination on the same file system.
What if is you asking me? I will say Good question, Since I'm dev I mean Junior one I download bunch of different files
and all of them by default stored in Downloads
and I know I can select all, ctrl + x and ctrl + v
where I want but that will still not be the great and I know it doesn't sounds tough because where I pasted it, will still not organised there will
be html docs , videos, audios, xls files, images, etc.
So that's why I created script where you can simply categories files by their extensions and move them where you want by their categories. and also
files can't only be in the Downloads can be everywhere you want it to be. just continue to read and you'll star the repo later.
Gitlab @umutambyi-gad
Website: umutambyigad
Stackoverflow: @umutambyi-gad
Twitter: @umutambyi_gad
Linkedin: @umutambyi-gad @umutambyigad
This script has pre-defined global constant variables which are (2d arrays). to make it easy it's lists(arrays) of string of different types of extensions.
const char* videos_ext[] = {".mp4", ".mpg", ...};
const char* audios_ext[] = {".mp3", ".wav", ...};
const char* documents_ext[] = {".docx", ".html", ...};
const char* images_ext[] = {".jpg", ".png", ...};
so understandable, videos_ext
means video extensions is list of all possible video extensions and you can simply customize them
no big deal.
And also there are another defined global variables which are
char LookUpDirectory[250];
char DestinationForVideos[250];
char DestinationForMusic[250]; // I assume that all musics are audios.
char DestinationForPictures[250];
char DestinationForDocuments[250];
Guess the above variable names are so descriptive. Ok but let me explain this in summary.
strcat(strcpy(LookUpDirectory, homeDirectory), "/Downloads/");
The above is like an initialization of LookUpDirectory
. as you can understand LookUpDirectory
is the directory where to look up
all file that you want to migrate and by default is in the Downloads - C:/Users/YoungLady/Downloads/
or /home/kali/Downloads/
don't worry about the platform I handled that by joining home directory with downloads where home directory can be different.
so what if you want to change LookUpDirectory
so simple just comment my line of code or get rid of it and do something like
strcpy(LookUpDirectory, "C/Users/ImDifferent/ForMeLookUpHere"); // I think you don't need to join your path with the home directory
then done.
so you can still do the same on destination ones (DestinationForVideos
, DestinationForMusic
, ...)
And you can now compile your code that's what I wanted you to know first.
wait, wait, wait there are two more important defined macros with bool type as value
#define show true
#define execute true
both by default are true
so here is what these macros do, if show
is true the script just print in console all matches
and their categories and after give out an overview of them I called it summary. see the picture bellow -
and if execute
is true, simple the script will be executed I'll suggest to initialize this to false
and first checkout the matches where
will be only one set to true
And now you're ready to compile nothing to wait now.
Just compile the code with your favorite installed compiler here is how I did -
gcc main.c -o main.exe
Thereafter run the main.exe
, On windows just navigate to its location and double click on generated executable file or run it from your command line like
On Linux I think it's something like
Then done. just check if everything goes well and if is not and can't figure out why? you can simply raise an issue I will be right there
This project is under the MIT License