JDiffraction is a numerical wave propagation library for Java. Includes angular spectrum, Fresnel-Fourier and Fresnel-Bluestein methods. Aditionally it includes an utilities class, designed to work with the complex arrays required by the library.
The library supports calculation on CPU and GPU, the latter is done using JCuda. To use the GPGPU versions of the library, JCuda 0.7.5 jars must be in the java path, CUDA 7.5 and a CUDA capable GPU must be installed on the PC.
If you are using JDiffraction and find a bug, please contact us.
JDiffraction API can be found here.
files and .zip
for APi can be found in the downloads section of the project page.
JDiffraction uses JTransforms FFT routines and JCuda Java bindings for NVIDIA CUDA.
- Pablo Piedrahita-Quintero (jppiedrahitaq@unal.edu.co)
- Carlos Trujillo (catrujila@unal.edu.co)
- Jorge Garcia-Sucerquia (jigarcia@unal.edu.co)