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Agnieszka Figiel edited this page Jun 20, 2013 · 2 revisions

Files for import

The original data files are in Dropbox in a folder shared with the Species staff. These files should have the same columns as defined in the helper import file (lib/tasks/helpers_for_import.rb). Otherwise they should be renamed. After copying the files from the Dropbox folder to the project folder, currently into lib/assets/files/cleaned/, I open them with excel and save them as Windows Comma Separated. After this (in Mac OSx) I run the following command in the terminal from the folder where the files are:

iconv -f Windows-1252 -t UTF-8 file_name.csv > file_name_utf8.csv

This should generate in a file utf8 compatible.

Data import

rake import:redo

This task drops the database if not being used, creates it and runs the migrations. Then it loads the db seeds, and imports species, distributions, cites listings, common names, synonyms, references and taxon concept references from the provided files in lib/assets/files/cleaned. There are specific tasks for each of the types of data. Run ‘rake -T’ to get the list of tasks.

Note: if there is some issue with data encoding on the way, we may end up with the utf8 unknown symbol �, which, sadly, crashes latex. Ideal solution: get the data right. Quick solution (for annotations, which seem to be most affected):

update annotation_translations set full_note = replace(full_note, '�', '') where id in (select id from annotation_translations where full_note like '%�%');

update listing_changes_mview set english_full_note = replace(english_full_note, '�', ''), spanish_full_note = replace(spanish_full_note, '�',''), french_full_note = replace(french_full_note, '�', '')  where id in (select id from listing_changes_mview where english_full_note like '%�%' or spanish_full_note like '%�%' or french_full_note like '%�%');

Migrating local database into staging/production server

First in your local machine:

1- Dump the local database sapi_development to a .sql file:
   pg_dump -c sapi_development > sapi_db.sql
2- Transfer the .sql file to the database server that you want to migrate too:
   scp sapi_db.sql

Then the web server:

3- Drop existing database
  RAILS_ENV=environment bundle exec rake db:drop
3.2- If this doesn't work straight away because the database is being used you'll need to kill the database process in the db server, and then try dropping the database again
In the db server:
  ps axu | grep sapi
  sudo kill -9 [pid]
4- Create the database again
  RAILS_ENV=environment bundle exec rake db:create

Then in the db server:

5- Make sure that the user used in the database is the same as the one that exists in the database server. In my case this means replacing instances of simaob with wcmc:
  vim sapi_db.sql
  Do a few find and replace: 
6- Run the .sql script to fill the database (for this example the database name is sapi_staging)
  sudo -u postgres psql -f sapi_db.sql -d sapi_staging

Back in the web server:

7- Run the migrations just to make sure that the schema matches the latest migrations
  RAILS_ENV=environment bundle exec rake db:migrate

Maybe in the future we might want to create a chef script to do all this. :)