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Merge pull request #1 from DevNono/design
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feat: add some page design
AlbanSdl authored May 15, 2024


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2 parents 5c56356 + 9dd3ff4 commit 58c1ddb
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<h1 class="block text-2xl font-bold text-gray-800 dark:text-white">Emprunter des joycons</h1>
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d="m 450.7105,619.91259 q -20.09331,0 -36.5333,-9.86399 -16.43999,-9.86399 -26.30398,-25.93864 -9.86399,-16.07465 -9.86399,-34.3413 v -94.98659 q 0,-4.01866 4.384,-7.30666 4.74933,-3.65333 10.95999,-3.65333 6.21066,0 10.59466,3.65333 4.38399,3.288 4.38399,7.30666 v 94.98659 q 0,10.59465 5.48,20.45864 5.84533,9.864 15.34398,16.07466 9.49866,6.21066 21.18932,6.21066 11.69065,0 21.18931,-6.21066 9.49866,-6.21066 14.97866,-16.07466 5.47999,-9.86399 5.47999,-20.45864 v -95.35192 q 0,-4.384 4.74933,-7.30666 4.74933,-3.288 10.59466,-3.288 6.94132,0 10.95999,3.288 4.01866,2.92266 4.01866,7.30666 v 95.35192 q 0,18.63198 -9.86399,34.70663 -9.49866,15.70932 -25.93864,25.57331 -16.43999,9.86399 -35.80264,9.86399 z m 119.23178,-2.92266 q -6.57599,0 -10.95999,-3.288 -4.01866,-3.65333 -4.01866,-7.67199 v -151.6132 q 0,-4.74933 4.01866,-7.67199 4.384,-2.92267 10.95999,-2.92267 5.84533,0 9.86399,2.92267 4.01867,2.92266 4.01867,7.67199 v 14.97865 q 5.84532,-10.59465 18.26665,-18.99731 12.42132,-8.76799 30.68797,-8.76799 17.53598,0 32.1493,9.86399 14.61332,9.49865 23.38132,25.20797 8.76799,15.70932 8.76799,35.07197 v 94.25592 q 0,5.47999 -4.74933,8.40266 -4.74933,2.55733 -10.59466,2.55733 -5.47999,0 -10.22932,-2.55733 -4.74933,-2.92267 -4.74933,-8.40266 v -94.25592 q 0,-10.59465 -5.84533,-20.45865 -5.47999,-9.86399 -14.97865,-16.07465 -9.49866,-6.21066 -20.82398,-6.21066 -9.86399,0 -18.99732,5.48 -9.13333,5.11466 -14.97865,14.61332 -5.84533,9.13332 -5.84533,22.65064 v 94.25592 q 0,4.01866 -4.74933,7.67199 -4.384,3.288 -10.59466,3.288 z"
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