Bug Fix
- Fix a bug of update base image.
- Fix a bug of port control & a bug of update_v0.3.2.py.
- Add locks to solve synchronization problems.
- Fix a type error in web/web.py.
- Fix a bug that net stats can't be shown.
- [#298 #299 #300 ] Support batch computing.
- Add information of login to user log and database.
- Prevent users that is not activated from applying for beans.
- Aggregate api of monitor at the backend and aggregate http request on status realtime pages for monitor information.
- Support user to report a bug in dashboard.
- Display image size when creating vcluster.
- Security enhancement: forbid double slashes url, add header into nginx to defend clickjacking, add CsrfProtect, forbid methods except for GET and POST in nginx and support https...
- Add LoginFailMsg into model & Ban user if he input wrong password for many times.
- Add UDP4 mapping for iptables.
- Support migrating containers.
- Support releasing vcluster when it is stopped for too long automatically.