Component of MagicBox
MagicBox uses various shapefiles from different datasets to support MagicBox's purpose. This repository downloads all zipped shape files from a primary source, Global Administrative Areas Database (GADM) and unzips them.
If you're using this repo, you likely want to use magicbox-import-shapefiles to import the shapefiles into a PostgreSQL database.
This downloads zipped shapefiles from GADM to:
…and unzips them to:
Use Docker to build this image and run the downloader. These steps assume you have a working Docker installation. If not, review the Docker documentation first.
Create a config.js file based in config-sample.js
cp config-sample.js config.js
Build this image locally on your machine with this command.
docker build -t unicef/download-shapefiles .
This builds the Docker image locally on your machine.
Next, create a volume. A volume is a shared data volume we use across multiple containers. We'll use it again later in the magicbox-import-shapefiles repo.
docker volume create --name shapefiles_dbvolume
Now you can run the image. Start up the image with this command (it will use the volume we created in the previous step to hold the data).
docker run --rm -it -v shapefiles_dbvolume:/app/magicbox-download-shapefiles/data:z unicef/download-shapefiles
You should see output like this:
Downloading AFG
About to write zip to file
File saved.
Begin store to unzip AFG
This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.