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yuanxiaosc committed Jun 5, 2019
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67 changes: 65 additions & 2 deletions
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@@ -1,2 +1,65 @@
# Machine_Learning
Machine Learning;Deep learning
# Content
Machine learning is the warehouse of books, courseware and codes.

## book
1. book\Advanced Data Analytics Using Python.pdf
2. book\Beginning Application Development with TensorFlow and Keras(路易斯卡佩罗).pdf
3. book\Data Science from Scratch(格鲁斯).pdf
4. book\Deep Learning Cookbook(杜维奥辛加).pdf
5. book\Deep Learning with Keras(安东尼奥古里).pdf
6. book\Deep Learning with Python(弗朗索瓦·克里特).pdf
7. book\Deep Learning with TensorFlow - Second Edition(吉安卡洛扎康).pdf
8. book\Feature_Engineering_for_Machine_Learning().pdf
9. book\Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit Learn Keras and TensorFlow 2nd Edition(预览版).pdf
10. book\hands-on-ml-with-sklearn-and-tf(中文版).pdf
11. book\hands-on-ml-with-sklearn-and-tf.pdf
12. book\Learning TensorFlow_A GUIDE TO BUILDING DEEP LEARNING SYSTEMS(汤姆).pdf
13. book\Machine Learning with Python Cookbook(克里斯 阿尔邦).pdf
14. book\Machine Learning with Python(阿布舍克获胜).pdf
15. book\machine learning with tensorflow(尼肖特舒克拉).pdf
16. book\ML少女卡.pdf
17. book\Python for Data Analysis(韦斯·麦金尼).pdf
18. book\Python_Data_Science_Handbook(杰克范德普拉斯).pdf
19. book\Python神经网络编程(塔里克•拉希德).pdf
20. book\Reinforcement Learning(阿布什克南提).pdf
21. book\TensorFlow for Deep Learning (雷扎扎德).pdf
22. book\《神经网络与深度学习》(Michael Nielsen).pdf
23. book\李宏毅—1天搞懂深度学习.pdf
24. book\神经网络与深度学习(邱锡鹏).pdf
25. book\deeplearning(Ian Goodfellow)\deeplearning(Ian Goodfellow).pdf
26. book\Keras\Deep Learning with Applications Using Python with Keras(库马尔-马纳西).pdf
27. book\Keras\First contact with Deep Learning Practical introd.pdf
28. book\Python语言\Foudamentals_of_Python_Programming(Richard L 2018726).pdf
29. book\Python语言\Python语言小册.pdf
30. book\TensorFlow\Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow(桑塔努帕塔纳亚克).pdf
31. book\TensorFlow\TensorFlow-Machine-Learning-Cookbook(尼克·麦克卢尔).pdf
32. book\TensorFlow\tensorflow原理剖析.pdf
33. book\强化学习\Reinforcement Learning with Tensorflow(conv).pdf
34. book\强化学习\Reinforcement Learning.pdf
35. book\强化学习\Reinforcement_Learning_An_Introduction(李察·S·萨顿).pdf
36. book\强化学习\阿里强化学习技术.pdf
37. book\机器学习\Practical Artificial Intelligence.pdf
38. book\机器学习\Pro Machine Learning Algorithms.pdf
39. book\机器学习\Python for Data Analysis, 2nd Edition.pdf
40. book\机器学习\Think Complexity, 2nd Edition.pdf
41. book\机器学习\模式识别与机器学习PRML\Bishop - Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning - Springer 2006.pdf
42. book\机器学习\模式识别与机器学习PRML\Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning(教师版完整答案).pdf
43. book\机器学习\模式识别与机器学习PRML\Solution Manual For PRML(学生版前三章答案).pdf
44. book\机器学习\模式识别与机器学习PRML\《PRML:模式识别与机器学习(中文版)》.pdf
45. book\概率论与数理统计\LDA数学八卦.pdf
46. book\概率论与数理统计\Statistical Data Science(尼尔亚当斯).pdf
47. book\知识图谱\知识图谱发展报告2018.pdf
48. book\知识图谱\知识图谱结合深度学习_肖仰华_2017.pdf
49. book\自然语言处理\Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing(帕尔什古耶).pdf
50. book\自然语言处理\Deep_Learning_in_Natural_Language_Processing(邓力、刘洋).pdf
51. book\自然语言处理\Hands-On Natural Language Processing with Python(拉杰什阿鲁姆加姆).pdf
52. book\自然语言处理\Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow(桑塔努帕塔纳亚克).pdf
53. book\计算机视觉\Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python(阿德里安·罗斯布洛克).pdf

## Courseware
1. PyTorchZeroToAll
2. 变分自编码器
3. 清华-中国工程院知识智能联合实验室发布「2018自然语言处理研究报告」
4. 香港科技大学TensorFlow三天速成课件

42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import os

def read_README_file():
with open("", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
readme_file = f.readlines()

def readme_file_head():
content = ["# Content\n", "机器学习深度学习相关书籍、课件、代码的仓库。\n", "Machine learning is the warehouse of books, courseware and codes.\n"]
return content

def get_PDF_file_name_list(file_dir="book"):
pdf_file_name_list =[]
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_dir):
for file in files:
if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == '.pdf':
pdf_file_name_list.append(os.path.join(root, file))
pdf_file_name_list = [str(idx+1) + ". " + name + "\n" for idx, name in enumerate(pdf_file_name_list)]
pdf_file_name_list.insert(0, "## book\n")
return pdf_file_name_list

def get_Courseware_file_name_list(file_dir="Courseware"):
Courseware_file_name_list =[]
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_dir):
Courseware_file_name_list = [str(idx+1) + ". " + name + "\n" for idx, name in enumerate(Courseware_file_name_list)]
Courseware_file_name_list.insert(0, "## Courseware\n")
return Courseware_file_name_list

def wirte_README_file():
readme_file_head_list = readme_file_head()
pdf_file_name_list = get_PDF_file_name_list()
Courseware_file_name_list = get_Courseware_file_name_list()
content_list = [readme_file_head_list, pdf_file_name_list, Courseware_file_name_list]
with open("", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as wf:
for content in content_list:

if __name__=="__main__":

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