This is Apple ][ and Apple //e emulator written entirely in Rust, SDL and HTML5.
Features in the emulator
- 6502 / 65C02 cycle accurate emulation
- Passed Klaus Dormann 6502, 65c02 and decimal tests
- Passed Tom Harte Processor Test for 6502 (valid opcodes) and 65c02
- Disk II interface for floppy disk drives
- File Format supported (dsk, po, nib, woz version 1 and version 2.x including Flux image, hdv, 2mg)
- Language Card for Apple ][+
- Mockingboard support at Slot 4 and Slot 5
- Parallel printer card
- Apple IIe Extended 80-Column Text Card
- RGB cards: Apple's Extended 80-Column Text/AppleColor Adaptor Card
- 60 Hz / 50Hz display mode support
- Video Scanline mode
- Support for Vapor-lock cycle counting demos e.g. megademo, mad2
- NTSC emulation supported
- Z80 Emulation
- Hard Disk support
- Tape Support (Only PCM, 8-bit and mono channel)
- Uthernet II support for TCP client application (e.g. A2Stream)
- Support for RamFactor 1 MiB and RamWorks III up to 8 MiB
- Support for Apple //c (Rom FF, 00, 3, 4, 5)
To run the emulator
emu6502 [FLAGS] [disk 1] [disk 2]
Disk formatted supported are dsk, po, nib, WOZ, hdv and 2mg. Dsk, po, nib and WOZ images in GZIP format is also supported.
To run Z80 CPM images
emu6502 --s4 z80 [CPM image]
emu6502 --help
will display:emu6502 0.9.1 (f8379fd591d235ad65f39a6dcf4d137c3b8f0f76) USAGE: emu6502 [FLAGS] [disk 1] [disk 2] FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information --50hz Enable 50 Hz emulation --nojoystick Disable joystick --xtrim Set joystick x-trim value --ytrim Set joystick y-trim value --swapbuttons Swap the paddle 0 and paddle 1 buttons -r no of pages Emulate RAMworks III card with 1 to 127 pages --rf size Ramfactor memory size in KB -m, --model MODEL Set apple 2 model. Valid value: apple2p,apple2e,apple2ee,apple2c,apple2c0, apple2c3,apple2c4,apple2cp --d1 PATH Set the file path for disk 1 drive at Slot 6 Drive 1 --d2 PATH Set the file path for disk 2 drive at Slot 6 Drive 2 --h1 PATH Set the file path for hard disk 1 --h2 PATH Set the file path for hard disk 2 --s1 device Device slot 1 Value: none,harddisk,mboard,z80,mouse,parallel,ramfactor, diskii,diskii13,saturn --s2 device Device slot 2 Value: none,harddisk,mboard,z80,mouse,parallel,ramfactor, diskii,diskii13,saturn --s3 device Device slot 3 Value: none,harddisk,mboard,z80,mouse,parallel,ramfactor, diskii,diskii13,saturn --s4 device Device slot 4 Value: none,harddisk,mboard,z80,mouse,parallel,ramfactor, diskii,diskii13,saturn --s5 device Device slot 5 Value: none,harddisk,mboard,z80,mouse,parallel,ramfactor, diskii,diskii13,saturn --s6 device Device slot 6 Value: none,harddisk,mboard,z80,mouse,parallel,ramfactor, diskii,diskii13,saturn --s7 device Device slot 7 Value: none,harddisk,mboard,z80,mouse,parallel,ramfactor, diskii,diskii13,saturn --weakbit rate Set the random weakbit error rate (Default is 0.3) --opt_timing rate Override the optimal timing (Default is 32) --rgb Enable RGB mode (Default: RGB mode disabled) --mboard 0|1|2 Number of mockingboards in Slot 4 and/or Slot 5 --luma bandwidth NTSC Luma B/W (Valid value: 0-7159090, Default: 2300000) --chroma bandwidth NTSC Chroma B/W (Valid value: 0-7159090, Default: 600000) --capslock off Turns off default capslock --mac_lc_dlgr Turns on Mac LC DLGR emulation --scale ratio Scale the graphics by ratio (Default is 2.0) --z80_cirtech Enable Z80 Cirtech address translation --saturn Enable Saturn memory (Only available in Apple 2+) --dongle model Enable dongle Value: speedstar, hayden, codewriter, robocom500, robocom1000, robocom1500 --interface name Set the interface name for Uthernet2 Default is None. For e.g. eth0 ARGS: [disk 1] Disk 1 file (woz, dsk, do, po file). File can be in gz format [disk 2] Disk 2 file (woz, dsk, do, po file). File can be in gz format Function Keys: Ctrl-Shift-F1 Display emulation speed Ctrl-Shift-F2 Disassemble current instructions Ctrl-Shift-F3 Dump track sector information Ctrl-Shift-F4 Dump disk WOZ information Ctrl-F1 Eject Disk 1 Ctrl-F2 Eject Disk 2 Ctrl-F3 Save state in YAML file Ctrl-F4 Load state from YAML file Ctrl-F5 Disable / Enable video scanline mode Ctrl-F6 Disable / Enable audio filter Ctrl-F7 Disable / Enable color burst for 60 Hz display Ctrl-F7 Load Tape Ctrl-F8 Eject Tape Ctrl-F10 Eject Hard Disk 1 Ctrl-F11 Eject Hard Disk 2 Ctrl-PrintScreen Save screenshot as screenshot.png Shift-Insert Paste clipboard text to the emulator F1 Load Disk 1 file F2 Load Disk 2 file F3 Swap Disk 1 and Disk 2 F4 Disable / Enable Joystick F5 Disable / Enable Fask Disk emulation F6 / Shift-F6 Toggle Display Mode (Default, NTSC, RGB, Mono) F7 Disable / Enable 50/60 Hz video F8 Disable / Enable Joystick jitter F9 / Shift-F9 Toggle speed (1 MHz, 2.8 MHz, 4 MHz, 8 MHz, Fastest) F10 Load Hard Disk 1 file F11 Load Hard Disk 2 file F12 / Break Reset
- Windows 10 / 11
- Linux (RHEL and Debian)
- Mac OSX
- Web (Firefox, Chrome, Edge)
- Writing NES Emulator in Rust by Bugzmanov. The article that started this emulator development
- Beneath Apple DOS by Don Worth and Pieter Lechner
- [Inside the Apple //e] by Gary B. Little
- Apple II Disk Drive Article by Neil Parker
- Understanding the Apple //e by Jim Sather.
- AppleWin, whose source code is a goldmine of useful references.
- A2 Audit and a2audit, good resource to test out language card and aux memory compliance.
- MB Audit A good test suite for testing mockingboard functionalities
- W65C22 (W65C22N and W65C22S) Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA) Datasheet
- NTSC Emulation A good explanation on NTSC emulation by Openemulator by Zellyn Hunter
- Accurapple A good analysis on the handling of Flux tracks in Woz 2.1
- Apple 2 speaker from ground up
- Apple 2c MIG