unified plugin system for vite, rollup, webpack, esbuild, rspack, and more
this organization is for hosting and collaborating on popular plugins from the community, the unplugin core is under unjs/unplugin
🤹 Access thousands of icons as components on-demand universally.
📲 On-demand components auto importing for Vue
Auto import APIs on-demand for Vite, Webpack and Rollup
đź’ˇ Bring `<script setup>` to Vue 2.
🚀 Improve the Developer Experience of console
Compile Markdown to Vue component
✨ Transform Vue 3 SFC to JavaScript. Supports Vite, esbuild, Rollup, Webpack and more.
🚧 Transform Vue 3 SFC to JavaScript use vue compiler written in Rust. Supports Vite, esbuild, Rollup, Webpack, Farm, Rolldown, rspack and more.
Lightning CSS integration for Vite, Rollup, esbuild, Webpack, Vue CLI, and more.