Monitors laptop battery level and sends a message on Telegram when it drop below specified threshold.
To use it, register a new Telefram bot by talking to @BotFather. That will give you a new token, save it. Then talk to @userinfobot to obtain your user id. Pass the token and user id to the command invocation directly, or store then in the config file.
batbottg -c CONFIG_FILE
batbottg --help
-t, --telegram-token=TELEGRAM_TOKEN Telegram bot token
-u, --telegram-user=TELEGRAM_USER Telegram user ID
-b, --battery-threshold=BATTERY_THRESHOLD Battery level alert threshold [default: 10]
-f, --check-frequency=CHECK_FREQUENCY Level check frequency [default: 60]
-c, --config=CONFIG_FILE Read config from file
--help Show this screen
telegram_token = TELEGRAM_TOKEN
telegram_user = TELEGRAM_USER
battery_threshold = BATTERY_THRESHOLD
check_frequency = CHECK_FREQUENCY