A decorator-based schema/model library with json and binary (de)serialization.
Install @uon/model using npm
npm i @uon/model
Model definitions are expressed in the following way:
import { Model, Member, ArrayMember } from '@uon/model'
export class MyModel {
// Generic member supports String, Boolean, Number and Date types
myStringField: string;
// For array members you need to specify the array element type
// as a decorator argument due to TypeScript not emiting array element type
myArrayField: string[];
In order to efficiently serialize to binary, number types have been added.
Generic members with type Number are treated as Float64.
export class MyModel {
// Supported number types are Int8, Int16, Int32, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Float32 and Float64, (no (U)Int64 yet)
@NumberMember(Uint8) myByte: number;
// You can also use a TypedNumber as array element type
@ArrayMember(Uint32) myNumberArray: number[];
If you want the serializers to be able to support types that are not under your control, we provide a utility function to let you "modelize" it. Here is an example:
import { Modelize, NumberMember, Float32 } from '@uon/model';
import { Vec2 } from 'some-math-lib';
Modelize(Vec2, {
x: NumberMember(Float32),
y: NumberMember(Float32)
To serialize a model instance you can either do it manually via the JsonSerializer interface or simply pass it to JSON.stringify().
let obj = new MyModel();
let serializer = new JsonSerializer(MyModel);
let serialized = serializer.serialize(obj);
Note that serializer.serialize does not return a string but rather a JSON object using only builtin types (String, Number, Boolean, Array, Object and Date).
To deserialize, we do the following:
let serializer = new JsonSerializer(MyModel);
let my_obj = serializer.deserialize(JSON.parse(my_json_str));
- Array members are limited to 1 dimension, n-dimensional arrays might be supported in the future.
- Add serialization support for builtin typed arrays (Uint8Array, etc...)
- Handle array element validation, also TypedNumbers range
- Complete this README