Releases: uqbar-project/wollok-language
Releases · uqbar-project/wollok-language
What's Changed
- redefine identity adding tests + validations messages by @MVitelli in #231
- corrección retorno flatmap by @Nalens10 in #228
- documentacion dias string by @alymarquez in #227
- Add validation test by @fdodino in #232
- Fix flatten by @fdodino in #233
- POC unicode identifiers by @fdodino in #234
- wrap actions using io.runHandler (fix #229 ) by @lgassman in #230
New Contributors
- @MVitelli made their first contribution in #231
- @Nalens10 made their first contribution in #228
- @alymarquez made their first contribution in #227
- @lgassman made their first contribution in #230
Full Changelog: v3.2.7...v3.3.0
What's Changed
- Cálculo de promedio para una colección by @Juancete in #221
- Tests for cyclic const instance references by @PalumboN in #217
- Mejoras al manejo de void (y algo de nulls), especialmente para bloques by @fdodino in #218
- Fix shouldUseOverrideKeyword para properties by @fdodino in #223
- Fix super call inside closure by @fdodino in #224
Full Changelog: v3.2.6...v3.2.7
What's Changed
- Test removing a float from a list by @PalumboN in #198
- Implementacion de floor by @rodriguez-guillermo in #210
- Visual characater no se sale de los limites by @lspigariol in #209
- Agregar a language las descripciones de los errores by @fdodino in #205
New Contributors
- @rodriguez-guillermo made their first contribution in #210
- @lspigariol made their first contribution in #209
Full Changelog: v3.2.5...v3.2.6
What's Changed
- Adding roadmap & new projects by @fdodino in #181
- Update exception handler for game by @PalumboN in #183
- Use a windows-friendly invalid file name by @ivojawer in #187
- Tests for comments by @PalumboN in #190
- separación de cola de eventos oncollide by @mind-ar in #188
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.2.3...v3.2.4
What's Changed
- Agregado de expectedOn para los tests by @fdodino in #168
- Adding file with weird name by @PalumboN in #170
- Fix wollok-ts 209 issue by @fdodino in #171
- Fix should implement all methods in hierarchy by @fdodino in #172
- Getter method should return a value - more tests by @fdodino in #173
- Fix wollok-ts 195: recursive assignment by @fdodino in #174
- Fix wollok-ts 198 empty if by @fdodino in #175
- Unused variable in block by @fdodino in #176
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.2.1
- New type system specifications (#159)
- Added tests for expected inference
- Added types to lang
- Added more sanity tests for:
Sanity tests enhancement
Differenciate implement abstract methods vs. method without body