It is a storage package containing both in-memory and file-type databases that you can use to hold simple data.
- bbolt:
- sniper:
If use only boltdb, all key-value data are at in-memory and saves all data to snapshot file for recovery
If use only sniperdb, all index data are at in-memory and save all key-value data to file (multiple files) sniperdb have to use bboltdb index for list, prevlist, exist methods
You can use both db together without any problems.
## Examples
Example use go to mydb-server repository -> (
NewStore(bucketList, indexList []string, path string, dbName string, readOnly bool)
Set(bucketName []byte, k []byte, data []byte) ([]byte, error)
Get(bucketName []byte, k []byte) ([]byte, error)
MGet(bucketName []byte, keys ...[]byte) (interface{}, error)
List(bucketName []byte, cursor []byte, perpage int) ([]string, error)
PrevList(bucketName []byte, cursor []byte, perpage int) ([]string, error)
Delete(bucketName []byte, k []byte) error
KeyExist(bucketName []byte, k []byte) (bool, error)
ValueExist(bucketName []byte, v []byte) (bool, error)
HasBucket(bucketName []byte) bool
StatsBucket(bucketName []byte) int
ListBucket(bucketName []byte) int
DeleteBucket(bucketName []byte) int
Backup(path, filename string) error
Restore(path, filename string) error
go get
- Add new examples
Bbolt (
Sniper (