Usabilla for Apps allows you to collect feedback from your user with great ease and flexibility.
Take a look at our Wiki for a complete and in depth guide on how to install and customize the SDK.
- Fixed an encoding problem that would sometimes corrupt the screenshot sent to our servers
- Fixed a crash that could occur in iOS 10 on specific forms
- iOS 9.0+
- Xcode 8.0+
- Swift 3.1+
For older versions of iOS you can use v2.3.0 of the SDK.
The Usabilla SDK is available on CocoaPods. You can install cocoapods the following way:
$ gem install cocoapods
To use the SDK in your project, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'UsabillaFeedbackForm', '~> 3.6.0'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
The Usabilla SDK is also available through Carthage.
Follow these instructions to add carthage to your project.
And add this line to your Cartfile
github "usabilla/usabilla-u4a-ios-swift-sdk" "v3.6.0"
Alternatively you can download the latest version of the repository and add UsabillaFeedbackForm.framework to your app’s embedded frameworks.
- Create a new form on your Usabilla Live for Apps section.
- Copy the Form ID of the form you just created and use it to open it in the SDK.
Inside your AppDelegate add the following line at the top of your file to import the sdk.
import UsabillaFeedbackForm
Add the following line to the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
The load method is here in order to init the caching feature, that will submit any previously unsubmitted feedback.
The SDK uses the Form ID you previously got from Usabilla to fetch and display your form inside your app.
A basic implementation of the SDK would be the following.
class ViewController: UIViewController, UsabillaFeedbackFormDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
UsabillaFeedbackForm.delegate = self
UsabillaFeedbackForm.loadFeedbackForm("Form ID")
//Called when your form succesfully load
func formLoadedCorrectly(_ form: UINavigationController, active: Bool) {
present(form, animated: true, completion: nil)
//Called when your forms can not be loaded. Returns a default form
func formFailedLoading(_ backupForm: UINavigationController) {
present(backupForm, animated: true, completion: nil)
It is possible to attach a screenshot to a feedback form.
You can take a screenshot at any moment calling let image = UsabillaFeedbackForm.takeScreenshot(self.view)
To attach the screenshot to the form, pass it as a parameter when calling UsabillaFeedbackForm.loadFeedbackForm("Form Id", screenshot: image)
Pass nil
as the screenshot
parameter if you don't want to have a screenshot of the current view.
Custom Screenshot & Sensitive Informations
Instead of taking the screenshot using the UsabillaFeedbackForm.takeScreenshot()
method, you can provide any image you wish by passing it as the image
parameter when calling UsabillaFeedbackForm.loadFeedbackForm()
This will allow you to hide any user sensitive or private information by, for example, taking the screenshot yourself, removing all unwanted information and submitting the censored version.
You can pass along custom variables that will be attached to the feedback users send. Custom variables are held in a dictionary.
After you have initialised your controller, you can easily set custom variables using
var customVariables: [String : Any] = [:]
customVariables["user"] = "Mario"
customVariables["age"] = 10
You can create one beforehand or on the fly, as shown in the example, and its content will be reported and displayed in the Usabilla web interface.
To make sure the variables are properly displayed in the web interface it is advised to keep the dictionary object fairly simple and to not nest more than one object into another.
Custom variables are added as a parameter when calling UsabillaFeedbackForm.loadFeedbackForm("Form ID", screenshot: nil, customVariables: customVariables)
If you know you will need to display a feedback form when the user is offline, you can preload it a cache it in the SDK to make it available at any given moment.
To preload a form use
UsabillaFeedbackForm.preloadForms(withIds: ["myId", "myOtherId"])
This will fetch the latest version of the form and cache it in the SDK.
When you will request that form, if there is no network connectivity, the SDK will use the cached version and your user will be able to submit his feedback
Feedback submitted while offline will be sent when connectivity is restored.
If you wish, you can empty the cache using
You can customise the colors of all elements of the form. For a more in depth guide on customisation see the Wiki page
The original implementation has been removed in version 3.5.0 in order to follow Apple's new rating guidelines.
From version 3.5.0 onwards we offer support for using Apple's own rating API
To decide whether or not to prompt the user for a rating, you can read the information regarding the user's activity passed in the Submission callback
In the Usabilla web interface it is possible to define whether a specific feedback form should prompt the user for a rating.
Since v3.3.0 it is possible to get information about the feedback the user has left by implementing UsabillaFeedbackFormDelegate.formDidClose method.
You will also be notified if the user has left the form without submitting it.
This method provides you with an array of FeedbackResult:
struct FeedbackResult {
let rating: Int?
let abandonedPageIndex: Int?
var sent: Bool
This is because the user may submit the form multiple times and this method will be called only once for all feedback sent.
The rating value is set as soon as the user interacts with it and will be reported even if the form is not submitted.
The abandonedPageIndex is only set if the user cancels the form before submission.
Here is a sample implementation :
func formDidClose(_ form: UINavigationController, formID: String, with feedbackResults: [FeedbackResult], isRedirectToAppStoreEnabled: Bool){
guard let feedback = feedbackResults.first else {
if feedback.sent == false {
let abandonedPageIndex = feedback.abandonedPageIndex
print("Hey why did you left the form here \(abandonedPageIndex)")
if let rating = feedback.rating {
if rating >= 4 && isRedirectToAppStoreEnabled {
// Prompt the user for rating and review
Since v3.3.0 it is possible to customize the way the form is dismissed
Set the automatic UsabillaFeedbackForm dismissal attribute to false:
UsabillaFeedbackForm.dismissAutomatically = false
and implement the formWillClose delegate method:
func formWillClose(_ form: UINavigationController, formID: String, with feedbackResults: [FeedbackResult], isRedirectToAppStoreEnabled: Bool) {
// handle your custom dismiss e.g: dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
Warning: by doing this the form will not dismiss by itself and you will be the only one responsible for its correct behaviour. Also, the delegate method formDidClose
will not be called.
To integrate the SDK in your Obj-C application, follow apple official guidelines on how to use Swift and Objective-C in the Same Project
A quick way to approach this problem is to create a Swift file from where you will handle your application. After creating the new file and having set up the Bridging Header, you can extend your exsisting view controllers inside the Swift class to seamlessy integrate the SDK in your app.
In this example you can see a ViewController in Obj-C:
#import "ViewController.h"
//Remember to import the auto generated Swift header, otherwise you won't see you Swift extension
#import "objctest-Swift.h"
@interface ViewController ()
@implementation ViewController
- (IBAction)buttonPressed:(id)sender {
[self showForm];
And its Swift extension, implementing the SDK:
import UsabillaFeedbackForm
extension ViewController : UsabillaFeedbackFormDelegate {
open override func viewDidLoad() {
UsabillaFeedbackForm.delegate = self
public func formLoadedCorrectly(_ form: UINavigationController, active: Bool) {
present(form, animated: true)
public func formFailedLoading(_ backupForm: UINavigationController) {
@objc public func showForm(){
UsabillaFeedbackForm.loadFeedbackForm("Form ID")